Side Story: Step On Autumn

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The college entrance exam has ended. It felt a little empty, and I felt strange. It was awkward for my family to openly treat me well. As of today, even my older brother hasn’t scolded me. I just had dinner with my family and returned home to spend time alone. I switched on the computer, leaving my mind to wander in random directions behind me.

Only GAT-related content was uploaded to the Internet. The question was said to be more difficult than usual, but when I took extra points, I got a score similar to what I usually get. As a result, the expected percentile has slightly increased. I didn’t feel excited or nervous because of early admission. I took a look at my phone. It was past 8 in the evening and there had been no contact from Tay.

Did he read the letter?

I should contact him first. I picked up my phone and entered the recent calls list, but somehow hesitated.

Because I know I’ll be going to college at some point, the GAT didn’t really matter to me, but Tay was different. Everything was decided for him in a single day. But seeing that there has been no contact so far, I was a little worried. I wonder if he couldn’t come to see me because he didn’t do well in the GAT.

I didn’t mind if Tay failed the test. I was willing to wait even if he had to return to cram school. However, it seemed painful that I couldn’t feel the hit that Tay would feel in such a situation. I’d like to divide it in half. My thoughts gradually shifted to the possibility that he had failed the GAT.

I made up my mind after holding my phone for a while. I’ll start by contacting him. Let’s meet first, regardless of what he says. It was the moment I bit my lip and dialed the phone.

His name was displayed on the phone screen. Obviously, the phone vibrates, but unlike what I promised to call first, it was difficult to answer the call. I breathed deeply. I pressed the answer button after a moment of hesitation.

New Thitipoom.

His voice was the same as usual beyond the phone. It was low and calm. He wasn’t even excited. Yes, I replied briefly.

I’m in front of your house now.


Can you come out?

I quickly grabbed my jumper. The temperature was quite low. I left the house without hesitation after telling my parents that I was going out for a while. My heart was racing so fast.

Tay stood at the apartment’s front door, as he always did. We were separated by a glass door. I moved slowly, my gaze fixed on his broad back. I need to listen carefully to what he has to say and comfort him. I became more confident as I got closer to him.


He then strode to me and hugged me without hesitation or concern for the people around him. Despite the fact that I was wearing a jumper, I felt his tight arms wrapped around my back. I couldn’t speak and remained motionless in his arms.

I couldn’t ask if he did well on the GAT. I couldn’t even say comforting words that it was okay. All the resolutions melted in his arms. I just liked his warm embrace.

We stood still for a while, then moved on. Rather than a cafe where we could warm ourselves, we headed to the pavilion where we always kissed. Orange street lights illuminated the pavilion and its surroundings.

Tay took something from there and held it out to me. The crumpled things he showed and unfolded were none other than the GAT identification slip. It was also a place to record the outcome for provisional scoring.

I looked up at Tay and took the identification slip he handed me. There was a result of his provisional scoring. My gaze was drawn directly to the score, bypassing the circle and OX. The calm eyes gradually widened. Tay smiled brightly when I looked up at him with his eyes closed.

“…Is this real?”


It had an incredible score on it. It was all 10 points higher than the previous mock exam. The GAT was obviously difficult. Tay received an even higher score. This was sufficient to pursue a top-tier university in Bangkok. And… It was a good enough grade to get into the same university as me.

I exhaled shallowly. My hands were trembling.

Nevertheless, Tay was calm. If I had gotten this score, I would have boasted about it and requested a placard at home. I bit my lower lip as my lips trembled. I was so moved by the thought that this result was the result of Tay's hard work that I couldn’t put it into words.

My gaze was drawn to his hand. He didn’t have a band-aid on today. Instead, the scratch on his hand revealed his efforts. And his hands were trembling. Tay was not calm. He was pretending to be. I kept biting my lips because I thought he would have been like this even when he came outside after the GAT. I wanted to hold his hand first.

I let out another soft sigh. I rushed towards Tay, holding the exam ticket in my hand. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck. Treas streamed down my cheeks.

“Why are you crying?” Tay said jokingly. It was embarrassing to cry, but when Tay brought out those words, I became a catalyst and eventually burst into tears.

He took my hug for a while and then grabbed my chin. Then he gave me a kiss. It became hot as if there were hot spots everywhere the lips touched. I really like Tay.

“I was dying to see you.” He said as he wiped my tears away with his thumb. His mouth curled up cheerfully in front of my teary vision.

“It was hard because I wanted to see you every day.” Tay said.

I couldn’t take it any longer and kissed his lips against mine. I missed him as well, and I missed my time with him. I was lonely because I couldn’t be with him for a few days. But this opportunity also taught me something.

We will take an important test as we spend more days together, and there will be times when we will be separated for a while, but I thought it would be fine. Anyway, Tay will be by my side. And as if noticing my heart, he called my name again.

“New Thitipoom.”


“I had a hard time studying.”

“I know…”

“Then give me ten kisses.”

I chuckled and hugged him again. It was autumn, so it was neither as hot as summer nor as cold as winter. On a moderately cool autumn night when some might say they were lonely, I was in Tay's arms and while we kissed constantly.


Happy double update <3

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