Side Story : The Invite

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When I woke up, I was lying on Tay's bed. And I was naked in his arms. His solid upper body was naked, and despite his cock standing all night, I felt his erected obliquely on my thighs again because of the morning’s peculiarity.

I pulled my lower body back slightly as I looked at his sculptural face, moving away from his cock that touched my legs. Then I pressed down slightly and closed my eyes tightly.

I hadn’t planned to do anything with Tay since the morning, but it now feels like reality.

What did I do here…

I grabbed Tay's shoulder, who was still asleep, and gently shook it.



“Te Tawab, wake up…”

Tay finally woke up. Other than aching all over my body, there was nothing sticky. It was because he thoroughly cleaned me. Instead, it was unavoidable that there were red marks on the nape of my neck, shoulders, and chest. It wasn’t just me; it was the same for Tay.


His voice greeted me, which had been hoarse as he just woke ups. Whether I wiggled or not, he kept holding me with his hands on my back.

“Te, it’s morning. You have to get up.”

I had no idea when Gemini would come. Tay said, “Okay.” and let out a clunking sound that wasn’t quite right.

I grabbed his cheeks and kissed him on the cheek several times because he was so cute in his sleep. Tay seemed to enjoy it, so he smiled slightly, grabbed my arms, and got up.

Tay, who had unexpectedly appeared, hurriedly bent down and grabbed my waist as I looked at him. It wasn’t sniffing or kissing with his lips on the nape of my neck, and he was already acting strangely.

A small, steady footstep was heard. There was only one person in this spacious house who would run so cheerfully.

“Te- TE TAWAN…! Gem's coming!”

I pushed Tay, who was holding my back tightly and got up. The closer the sound of footsteps, the more urgent the action. Tay was just lying on the bed naked, and I quickly grabbed the clothes lying on the chair and put them on. By the time I was wearing only underwear and a short-sleeved T-shirt, Gemini opened the door.

However, he wasn’t in the mood to greet us loudly, so he grabbed the doorknob and looked at me and Tay. I just turned my head and looked at Gem while holding my pants in both hands.

He looked at me and blinked his eyes as if urging me to greet him.

“Gem, did you sleep well?”

I asked, hoping to relieve the awkwardness. Tay was lying on his side, staring at the ceiling. Instead of responding, Gemini nodded and approached me slowly with his arms raised.

“Phi… Phi…”

He grabbed my leg, which was naked. Tay washed me clean, but I squeezed my lips tightly with emotion I couldn’t describe before sitting down with my knees bent and my arms extended to Gem. After he came into my arms and hugged me, I got up. He grabbed my cheeks with both hands.

“What’s wrong?”

I could feel the pressure on my cheek. When I asked Gemini, who was staring at me, he squeezed my cheek with his small hand and hugged my neck tightly. Both Tay and Gemini liked to hug.

Still, I liked the soft Gemini hugging me, so I gently patted him on the back.

“Phi, is it itchy here?”

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