Side Story : The Beer

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“Gem, did you have fun today?”

Gemini nodded his head instead of answering. He was still wearing a headband. I held pictures with stickers in my hands. I didn’t know it very well because I didn’t take photos very often, but I took it like an ID photo without decorating it in a square box.

The sun went down. It was a pity that Gemini was not able to play until late because he was young. He will mature as well. Was this how parents felt? I got a little sad. He won’t even play with us when he reaches puberty. I wish I could have gotten along with Tay before then. The thought took an unexpected turn.

Gemini, who had been standing between me and Tay, began to nod off. Tay was holding him in his arms. Tay lowered his voice as he stroked Gemini's hair, who was falling asleep in his arms.

“I will take him home first, then let’s go home.”

At those words, Gemini raised his sleepy eyes and opened them. Then he frowned and shook his head.

“I want to sleep with Phi…”


“Take me too….”

Then, without saying anything, he burst into tears on his own. I looked up at Tay, who was perplexed by Gem's sudden crying after playing well. Tay then said bluntly.

“It’s because he’s sleepy.”

He said this as he patted him on the back with his hand. When I noticed the hand tapping in a specific direction, I scrunched up my hand for no reason. Then I spoke out.

“Oh, if it’s okay with you, I can sleep at your place…”

The exam was already over, and I could relax for a few days. But Tay Tawan was the issue. In any case, he took a break from studying today; wouldn’t it be too much to ask him to rest until tomorrow? Tay, who had been rubbing Gemini's back, turned to face me.

“I can’t?”

I fixed my gaze on him, smiling and biting my lower lip. It was better to ask a lighthearted question today. Maybe it was the setting sun behind Tay's back.


“I’m back.”

Tay greeted as he entered the house. I also raised my head and said, “Hello.” Tay was holding Gem, who was sound asleep. It was because he was so relaxed when he heard that I was going to sleep over.

The helper aunt approached us. He said he’d take Gemini to the room, and he took him into the room for a while and came out.

Tay came out of the room and asked the helper aunt. “What about my parents?”

“They went hiking when they heard young master Tawan would look after Gem.”

“Ah.” Tay responded briefly.

“I’ll go up.”

“Do you want me to bring you something to eat?”

He looked at me. I was hungry, but I shook my head because I thought it would be hard to go up and down. “It’s okay. If I’m hungry, I’ll order something to eat.” Tay spoke on my behalf.

He took care of my clothes when I went upstairs. I had no idea I was going to sleep over, so I didn’t have additional clothes. I peered over his shoulder as he rummaged through the closet. In his hometown, there were only black sporty clothes, just like in his dorm. Despite this, it goes well with Tay.

The clothes that Tay brought out were a black short-sleeved T-shirt and sweatpants. I wondered if I should wear the same underwear he was wearing, but luckily there was some unopened underwear. I was about to wash up after receiving what he had given me when Tay asked.

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