Side Story: The Amusement Park

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Tay's mouth had a taste of soda. He bought a freeze bar and ate it in a hurry, so the taste still lingered in his mouth. I also ate breakfast and drank only apple-flavored soft drinks, and the scent could still be there. That’s how I thought when I saw Tay twist his head and lick my lips.


I could feel the hard exterior wall of the building behind me. I leaned down and grabbed his forearm with both hands, focusing on the kiss, and kissed him again. Tay, who had wrapped his arms around my waist, pulled me a little closer as I kissed him while sucking his tongue.


It was July, so the day was hot. Cicada has been crying nonstop since the morning. When the wind blew, the green leaves on the trees swayed and made a rustling sound. I was sweating, but I enjoyed my kiss with Tawan, so it didn’t matter. Originally, I planned to go to the classroom after a light kiss.

The kiss, however, could not be finished lightly as it became increasingly intense. It was pointless to be regretful because I was the first to stick my tongue into Tay's mouth.

My heart was pounding so fast that I couldn’t breathe. A lumpy sound came out of my throat when his tongue swept up my tongue. We kept kissing as if we were inhaling each other’s mouths until there was no gap. Good thing I left early. That’s what I thought.

My head was spinning because I was short of breath.

I eventually exhaled and shook my head. I could see his moist lips. He wiped my lips with the back of his hand and kissed my cheek earnestly. His lips slowly moved down from my cheeks to my chin and neck, then pulled away. I twisted my body and lowered the hand that was holding his forearm because it felt ticklish. Tay, who quickly moved away, stood with his head tilted at an angle, staring at my face. I bowed my head and stared at the ground.

“It’s hot…”

I said while waving my collar and glancing at him. My face will at the very least appear red and ripe. It was difficult to be weak in the heat. I rubbed the cheek that Tay had just kissed with the back of my hand. He brushed my hair up once before following me and flapping my collar. I kept my gaze fixed on the ground before turning to face Tay. We had such a sexy kiss up until now, and the tip of my red ears was still fresh.


The final exams for the third year of high school had been completed. The school was over after only one hour of self-study in accordance with the first and second graders’ exam time.

I expected to shudder with a sense of liberation after the final exam because I had been focusing solely on myself, but it was unexpectedly meaningless. I knew I needed to push myself a little harder until the end. Was it because it was hot outside? I felt strange.

I just stared at the ceiling. Why was there something like a seagull pattern on the ceiling? I suddenly remembered going to the sea with Tay and his friends last year. Drinking, misunderstanding, running down the rainy beach, crying there, becoming enraged at him that had come to find me, lamenting in his arms, and telling him I liked the sea.

It was almost free time, even though it was self-study, so I looked at the guys talking and focused on Tay's seat. Tay, who normally occupied the center of the classroom, was nowhere to be seen. Where did he go? My gaze was drawn to the seat next to me as I looked around.

He came to the seat behind me and stood in front of the owner of the original seat.

“Please change seats.”

Tay asked in a threatening tone to the guy sitting behind me. He had a peach emoticon arm pillow in his arms as if he had already considered sleeping. The seat’s owner stood up without saying anything. Tay, who took the seat, buried his chin in the arm pillow and looked up at me.

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