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Julie's POV

"What the hell is happening" Alex yelled making Luke, Reggie and I all jump about a foot in the air.
"What the heck Alex" Luke yelled back making his cute angry face.
"Yeah I know the after life really should come with instructions" Reggie sighs his hands cupping his face while he sits on the couch.
This makes everyone laugh.
"Ok Alex firstly you need to calm down, secondly you guys need to be more careful we don't know if my dad or Carlos can see you guys" 
"I mean would it be bad if they could see us" Luke says with his signature smirk on his face.
don't fall for the smirk Jules, have a little willpower I tell myself.
"No of course not but we should at least see if Flynn can see you guys first" I explain.
"Yessssss great idea" Reggie smiles his eyes lighting up at the thought of Flynn.

the guys clear noticed Reggie's enthusiasm about the idea and as usual began to tease him. 

"Ooooooo Reggie and Flynn" the two sing in silly voices.
Reggie just blushes slightly and looks down at his boots, "guys shut up."

"Ok guys I will invite Flynn round tomorrow and we can see if she can see you guys."
"Sweet" all three say together.
"Ok guys I off to bed see you tomorrow" I walk towards the doors of the studio but before I can get out a certain Brown haired guitarist stepped in front of me.

"Um hi "I say to Luke trying to remain calm not wanting to give him the satisfaction of getting me flustered. 
He just stares at me, right in the eyes.
" can I help you Luke" 
"Oh u-um I just wanted to say that ah you were amazing at the Orpheum tonight." he murmurs rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh thanks you were great to... you always are" I practically whisper trying really hard not to blush.
Suddenly I felt a pair of strong arms around me.
I froze for a second before melting into Luke's warm embrace with a smile.
We stand like this for a few minutes all wrapped up in our little moment until we hear someone clear their throat.
"Oooooo Julie and Luke" Reggie laughs finding Luke's angry face very amusing.
"Ok that's it" Luke lunges himself at Reggie both of them landing on his couch Reggie screaming for help while Luke hits him with a pillow.
I roll my eyes and continue to walk out of the studio.
"GOOD NIGHT JULIE!!!!!!" All three boys yell.
"Good night" I laugh back.
Wow I really do love those guys.

Once I'm back in the house I make my way up stairs to my room and flop down on my bed and FaceTime Flynn.

"Hey underachiever"
"Hey, disappointment"
"Girl I have to catch you up on my evening"
"Oooo do tell"
I explain everything to Flynn and she just giggles.
"And here I was thinking you and your guitarist had finally confessed your deep gory feelings to each other" Flynn slaps her hand to her forehead giggling slightly.
"Well we hugged for like 5 minutes"
"Omg girl I don't need all the gory details" she teases
We both laugh
"Ok I'm going to go but you will come over tomorrow after we have rehearsal right" I ask
"sure thing see ya tomorrow"
After talking to Flynn I am exhausted.
I shower and get into the Peter Alexander pjs my dad got me for Christmas than finally get into bed and drift off to sleep thinking about a certain someone 😉

Luke's POV
"You guys are so annoying couldn't you see Jules and I were having a moment" I whisper shout at the guys Reggie mainly.
"Man you are so into her "Alex chuckles walking over and flopping down onto his bed.
"Yeah I really am and now that we can touch there could be a possibility of us being together." I say with a smile in my face.
"Than why don't you just tell her how you feel" both the guys shout throwing their hands in the air.
"It's not that simple Julie Molina is the best girl I have ever met and if I confess to her and she doesn't feel the same way then this." I point around at the studio " is all over because of me"
"Oh my god Lucas" Reggie groans "why is it that the only people who can't see how in love you guys are is yourselves" Reggie is now slightly pacing. " friends don't look at each other the way you guys do ok MAN THE HELL UP AND TELL HER YOU LOVE HER!"
Alex and I were in awe we had never in our whole lives seen Reggie yell like that.
Reggie is standing in the middle of the room his hand over his mouth shock written all over his face just like ours.
"I don't know where that came from"
We all just start laughing.
"No Reggie your right I am going to tell her" I pause "I just don't want to mess it up"
Alex stands and walks over to me placing his hand on my shoulder.
"Luke you won't mess up ok.... You never have before"
I give Alex a small smile "thanks man"
"Of course. Now if your not going to tell her right now get your ass in bed we have rehearsal tomorrow"
I nod and go flop into my bed ready to dream about a special someone.😉

Okay guys that was my first chapter I hope you enjoyed it💖

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