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Julie's POV

I cant resist him not when he's like this, I ball the fabric of my PJs in my fists trying to resist my ergs but it was hopeless there is nothing I can do about it .  

"screw it" I whisper out loud this time.

I look up into Luke's concerned gaze  before smiling and leaping into his arms my lips colliding with his. 

I kiss him deeply wanting more out of him, I sift in his arms forcing Luke to fall back onto the bed I slowly lean down and kiss his bare stomach.

"Jules.... not that I'm like not really enjoying this because I am.... but I need you to tell me what's wrong" he murmurs trying to sit up again.

"omg can't you see. this is what's wrong " I say getting all flustered

"yeah I'm sorry baby I'm not following" Luke answers all confused.

I let out a small groan and continue to kiss him on his perfect lips.

"Jules we are not doing anything until you tell me what has you all worked up."

"ahhhh Luke, you have me all worked up. you and your stupid grey sweatpants and rings." I whisper yell getting irritated. 

"OMG wait. your HORNY." Luke laughs cupping my face between his hands

"yes ,yes I am. it's not my fault you look really good in sweatpants." I pout 

"well if it makes you feel any better you make me horny all the time"

"yeah ok awesome can we get back to our making out now" I whine

"by all means please continue" Luke chuckles 

I get up on to the bed as well and crawl over to Luke who is currently leaning against the headboard  a content smirk on his face.

"why hello" I smirk back at him while I climb onto his lap.

Luke's eyes darken and his breathing hitches in his throat. he leans down to hide his face between my neck and shoulder. 

I wrap my arms around his neck and lean down to kiss his shoulder than his neck and then is cheek. his face still in my neck.

I grab his face between my hands and smash my lips against his, is arms grab a hold of my waist pulling me closer to him. my hands find his hair and I pull on his roots because I know he loves that.

Luke groans with pleasure before moving his head to kiss my neck because he knows I love that. as soon as his lips meet the skin of my neck I'm in pure bliss.

I continue to pull at Luke's hair while he continues to suck and kiss his way up and down my neck until he finally gets to my sweet spot.

"Luke" I gasp.

"mmm" he mumbles leaning back to that I can speak. 

I just look at him thinking about how much this amazing boy means to me.

" I adore you, you know that" I whisper resting my forehead against his.

" I adore you as well Jules." Luke says placing a sweet kiss to my  lips.

"okay I love our make out sessions but I'm actually really tired now." I giggle 

"yeah jumping a guy will do that to you baby" he chuckles.

"shut up you loved it" I giggle reaching up to pull Luke's hood over his head and it was right there in this moment that I discovered my biggest kink apart from rings of course.

"DAMN you look hot with your hood on" I giggle hoping off of Luke's lap.

"why thank you" he chuckles wrapping me up in the blankets and placing a soft kiss on my lips before Turing the lamp on the side table off.

"goodnight Jules"

"Night baby"

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