Christmas part 2🎄

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Luke's POV

I wake up to Jules kissing my neck. her legs tangled with mine.

"merry Christmas" she mumbles between kisses.

"merry Christmas" I chuckle pulling her closer so that she's pressed against my chest.

"merry Christmas" I chuckle pulling her closer so that she's pressed against my chest

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(their position)

"you know what I realized this morning?" Jules asks sitting up her hands resting on my stomach.

"what?" I chuckle

"this is our first Christmas together"

"yeah it is... that's probably why it's the best one I have ever had."

"awww I love you too" she presses a kiss to my nose "now lets open presents."

I laugh at her child-like behaviour and slowly roll out from under the covers. 

"ok lets head downstairs."

"yay" she start running for the door but before she can get out of the room I wrap my arms around her waist and lift her off the ground.

"ahhhh Luke" she scream as I throw her over my shoulder. "put me down" she continue to laugh and scream until we get to the living room where everyone was sitting drinking hot chocolate.

"why good morning lovebirds" Flynn smiles sipping her hot chocolate.

"morning." Jules and I both giggle throwing ourselves down onto the couch.

"we made you guys hot chocolate it's in the kitchen" Reggie says pointing down the hall.

"I'll grab it" Julie sings leaping off the couch and running towards the kitchen.

"are you excited to give Jules your gift" Flynn asks sending me a grin 

"oh yeah she is going to love it" Alex smiled 

"yeah I hope so"

"I have returned" Jules announces as she enters the room two red mugs clutched in her hands.

"thanks baby"   I whisper as she passed me the cup and sits curled up in between my legs.

everyone just sits and finishes their drinks in a comfortable silence until Reggie simply couldn't take it any longer.

 "CAN WE PLEASE OPEN THE PRESENTS NOW" he screams in what sounds like pure agony.

everyone laughs at his child-like behaviour and moves down to sit on the carpet around the Christmas tree. 

"eeeee this is so exciting" Jules squeals kissing my cheek

Jules's POV 

"eeeee the is so exciting" I squeal placing a kiss on Luke's cheek

"ok Jules open mine first" Reggie tosses me a cute purple box with a black ribbon

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