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Luke's POV 

Julie looks into my eyes and smiles ever so slightly before placing her hand to cup my cheek,
Her touch sends electricity through me running all over my body causing me to shiver.
" yes anything Jules you know that" I whisper leaning in even closer to her so that our noses were almost touching.

"Okay...kiss me then" Julie murmurs slight smile playing with the corners of her mouth. 

At this moment I've lost the ability to think I am completely and utterly consumed by this girl.

My heart rate increases in a matter of seconds beating so loudly I'm surprised Jules can't hear it. leaning in even closer I can feel her warm breath on my lips, How can I be so scared but yet so exited at the same time.

 I connect our lips and my world is instantly blown up. All the chemistry Jules and I share is coming out in this kiss This. 

Julie wraps her arms around my neck and I place my hands on her waist pulling her even closer to me. Our bodies smashed together as our lips frantically collide again and again kissing each other with intense passion. Jules takes a step forward causing me to stumble backwards into the wall taking her with me.

"Oh gosh are you ok" Julie frantically breaks our kiss and takes a step back'

"yeah I'm fine" 

"Maybe we should stop" she suggests taking a step closer and resting her hand on my cheek once again.

"yeah we can if you want just know it will be the hardest thing I have ever done in my life." I whine like a bloody two year old.

"well if it will hurt you that much" Jules giggles wrapping her arms around my neck once again.

We continue to kiss each other for what feels like hours before Jules slowly pulls away a smile in her face.
"Well that was amazing" her shy voice whispers the smile growing even bigger.
I'm still slouched against the wall in complete shock of what has happened tonight.

"You. Have. No. Idea how long I've wanted that to happen."  a content sigh escaping me, Julie chuckles and slowly sits herself down on the bed. I quickly follow her and sit down beside her.
She carefully places her head in between my neck and shoulder and sighs. "Luke" her soft voice interrupts my thoughts.
"Yeah Jules"

she was silent for a few minuets her gaze never leaving her hands that were resting in her lap until finally she broke the silence by saying the one thing I never expected to hear.

"I really like you" she whispers

and just like that my heart stopped beating.

Julie's POV

Omg why did I just say that

I know we kissed but that was probably just Luke getting caught up in a moment.

 oh shit Jules what have you done.

"Omg Luke I'm so sorry I've probably made our friendship weird" I cry burying my head in my hands. internally punishing myself for giving into my stupid feelings.

Luke just remains silent his eyes wide and face pale.

but after a while he began to smile biting his lower lip slightly.

"What" I squeal jumping to my feet to stand in front of him.
"You Like me" he answers in a cute little voice.
"HOW LONG" Luke interrupts me standing now too.
"Oh ah" my blood begins to boil under my skin making me blush, I look down at my feet avoiding his eyes.

"How long Jules" Luke places his hand under my chin lifting my face up so that I'm staring into his eyes.
"Since we performed bright together for the first time" I say with a sigh at the end.
Suddenly Luke's arms are around me pulling me close to his strong chest and holding me there before placing a small kiss on my forehead.

"I like you to Jules" he smiles that big smile again. "ever since bright"
We both laugh. And hug each other tightly.
"Should we tell the guys" I ask
"Idk maybe we should figure out what we are first" Luke answers climbing onto the bed and laying down on his back his arms behind his head.
" you should get some sleep Jules your tired" he insists patting the space on the bed beside him.
I smile and flop down onto the bed beside him snuggling into his side, his arm wraps around me pulling me closer.
I let out a small giggle and quickly turn around and kiss his lips deeply.
"Good night Luke "I sigh turning the lamp off on the bedside table.
"Night Jules" he replies

I hope u liked this chapter
Can't wait to see what happens next 🤩
Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter 💖

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