The call

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Julie's POV

" I'm so sorry Luke. HOW COULD HE SPEAK TO YOU THAT WAY" I scream pacing back and forth across the studio.

" it's fine Jules. I get it you and I were in a bit of an interesting position when he caught us" Luke says with a smirk.

"STLL" I shout walking over to Luke wrapping my arms around his torso.
We both let out a big sigh as we stand in the middle of the studio in each other's embrace.
 Alex and Reggie walk into the studio both smiling at the sight of us.
"Awww and to think you were worried about walking in on them making out again" Reggie chuckles at Alex walking over to the couch.
"Oh was he now" Luke grinned 
"Well it's only happen the last five times I'm walked in here" Alex defends himself. " no offence but you guys make out a lot"
" none taken" I respond leaning in and kissing Luke on the lips just to annoy Alex a little but the kiss was cut short because my phone starts to ring.
" I gotta take this" I pull away from Luke and head outside.

"Hello this is Julie speaking" I answer the unknown number.
"Hello Julie my name is Andi Parker from destiny management."
I have to slap my hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming.

"oh my hello" I respond breathlessly 

"I've been watching your band for a while now and my colleagues and myself are loving what we're seeing."
I'm doing a slight happy dance at this point.
"really! oh my goodness that's great, thank you so much" I say to Andi tring my best not to scream into the phone.
" yes and if it's ok with you guys and your families we are more than happy to offer you guys a contract with destiny management."
Andi laughs " no problem you guys are amazing we see a bright future for you guys. And we already have ideas lots gigs to play and a tour to go on"
"A tour like a real TOUR" I laugh finding it impossible to believe that destiny management wants to send us on tour. 
"Yes a real tour. I will get one of my colleagues to arrange a time for us to meet and we will discuss all the details about the tour."
" oh my goodness, thank you so much Andi"
"Okay , Julie I'll be in touch bye now"
I hang up and he phone and scream my Lange out with joy dancing around the garden and back into the studio only to see all three guys sprinting towards the door.
" hey guys what's wrong" I ask really confused all of a sudden.

" we heard you scream" Reggie explains the worry slowly leaving his features.  

" Is something wrong" Alex asked concerned peeking out of the studio doors.

" no no no nothing is wrong everything is absolutely amazing" I squeal " guys I pull all of them into a band circle looking each one of them in the eyes before screaming the news.

" OMGGGG" all the guys cheer stepping back out of the circle into a stampede of celebratory dancing and shouts.

"HOLY SHIT YES, YES, YESSSSS" Alex jumps onto the coffee table the biggest grin on his face.

" this is amazing guys" Luke is smiling a bright content smile. " we did it" 

"Oh yes we did baby" I yell one final time.

Our lives were about to change big time.

sorry for the short chapter everyone.

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