oh Jules

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Luke's POV 

"baby I'm going to change into my party dress I'll be right back"

"sweet" I give her a smile "I'll be over at the booth with the guys"

"ok be right there" 

I wander over to the booth where the guys are and sit down next to Flynn.

"she looks amazing tonight doesn't she" Flynn nudges me in the side making me laugh.

"Yeah she really does." I murmur looking around the crowded room my eyes looking for one person particular.

"you are so in love wit her" Flynn laughs   

but before I could respond I see her, my angel of a girlfriend walking over in a short blood red dress.

but before I could respond I see her, my angel of a girlfriend walking over in a short blood red dress

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" oh your screwed buddy" Flynn giggles at the sight of me.

"usually I would deny such a thing but, yeah I'm screwed Flynn"

I can't take her beauty right now the urge to run and grab her and kiss her so hard that she can no longer see straight is too much.

"anyone else need a drink" I yell over the crowd.

"yeah I'll have a vodka and lime soda please" Flynn said chuckling at me slightly.

once I have everyone's orders I walk over to Jules who was just finishing talking to someone to get her drink order.

"heyyy baby" Jules squeals

"hey sweetheart I'm getting drinks do you want one."

Jules smiles and steps in front  of me winding her arms around my neck.

"yes please" she grins "um can you please get me one..." she stops to think about it "ooo can you get me a sex on the beach please"

dear lord give me strength that was the last thing I needed in my mind while Jules is wearing this dress.

"a-ah yeah s-sure. I will be back" I stumble over my words before leaving to go the the bar.

after ordering the drinks I head back to the booth to find the whole group doing tequila shots.

"LUKEYYYY" Jules sings when I get to her. 

"hey baby what have you been up to" I say laughing at her adorable tipsy state.

"well apparently you get one free round of tequila shots." she shouts over all the people.

"and how many shots have you had missy" I ask sheepishly 

"ahhh like three" she counts on her fingers "I think"

"ah five" Alex coughed making everyone at the table laugh.

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