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Luke's POV

after a interesting nights sleep I'm ready to get off this plane.

the guys and I have been up since seven but we all decided to let Jules sleep in since she took care of our tipsy asses last night.

its now 8:45 and our plan lands at 9:20 so I decide to go and wake up Jules otherwise I will get in trouble for not giving her enough time to get ready.

once I get to her bed I kneel down next to her.

shit how does she always look so good.

"Jules, baby you need to get up now" I whisper in her ear.

she groans and rolls over so that she is facing me, her beautiful brown eyes lighting up when she sees me.

"hi baby" she smiles rubbing her eyes.

"hi we need to get ready we are going to be landing soon." I say getting up to let Jules get ready.

"hey come here" Jules gestures for me to come back.

Jules sits up and wraps her arms around my neck so she can place her lips to mine.

as soon as our lips meet I'm already done, all the thoughts from last night come back to me and my dick apparently. Jules pulls me down so that I am on her bed as well her hands tangling into my hair causing me to groan a bit louder then I expected.

"hey gu- AHHHHHH" Reggie squeals like a little girl causing Jules and I to break apart me falling off the bed into the isle.

"Are you serious Luke we sent you to get her out of bed not jump in with her" Reggie looks at me like a disappointed father.

"ok Reggie I'm up now ok" Jules laughs helping me up.

Julies POV

wow what a morning. something has shifted between Luke and I lately. even our so called small morning kisses turn into hot tough filled make out sessions. don't get me wrong I'm not complaining it just seems so sudden.

about 25 minuets later we have landed in Vancouver and are on our way to our hotel.

this is the only stop where we will be staying in a hotel all the other we will be in a luxurious tour bus supplied by Andi.

"okay guys we are going on stage at 11:30 so we need to get to the hotel grab our things and get down to the venue ok" I explain. 

"yeah we got it babe" Luke sends me a wink and I instantly blush.

we arrive at the hotel within minuets and are escorted to our rooms, Luke and I are sharing and so are Alex and Reggie.

"ok well we will meet you guys in the lobby in an hour ok."

"yep sounds great. now you guys don't go getting distracted we have a show to do tonight and we cant have all our chemistry burnt up before hand." Alex points at me then to Luke.

"shut up dude" Luke chuckles.

Luke swipes our room key to unlock the door and lets me enter first.

"what a gentlemen" I giggle kissing his cheek on my way in.

 the room is beautiful and modern I have never stayed anywhere this nice before.

 the room is beautiful and modern I have never stayed anywhere this nice before

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