home sweet home

38 3 0

(2 months after Christmas)

(a/n this chapter is really short sorry guys)

Luke's POV

Tonight was our last performance of the tour and man I reckon it was the best we have ever played. we sung our new song that Jules and I wrote called Guard down.

Jules was playing the guitar and she totally blew the crowd away with her hidden talent.

after the show finished we head straight to the airport we are flying from Florida back home to Los Angeles.

"holy shit I'm tired Jules whines falling down onto the leather couch in the plane.

"same" everyone says in unison  

I walk over and sit next to Jules my hand stroking her hair "you can go to sleep I'll wake you up when we get home"

"ok" she whispers her eyes slowly drooping closed.

Jules sleeps soundly the entire flight curled up in my lap, once we landed I carefully carried her into the car and once we finally arrived home I take her straight to her room leaving her with a kiss on her forehead and a murmured I love you.

this was really just a fill chapter 

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