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Jules's POV


I wake up to the sound of rain falling heavily on the roof the memories of last night are fuzzy in my head for a second and then.... BAM!... they all come rushing back to me, kissing nick, Luke beating nick up breaking up with Luke.

"SHIT NO!" I jump out of my bed and scramble to put in a jacket and some sweatpants then rushing down the stairs into the kitchen. my dad is back and is cooking eggs in the kitchen.

"morning sweetie, where you rushing off to?" he asks looking awfully confused.

"I need to see the guys and Talk to Luke we got into a fight last night!" I explain  

"oh no I'm sorry to hear that what was the fight about?"

"look dad I will fill you in later but I need to see the guys they are all probably pissed at me".

"ok honey good luck"

"thanks dad" I smile as I walk out the door.

I run through the garden and down to the studio trying to get as least wet as possible, finally I enter the studio only to see Alex and Reggie curled over on the floor whimpering, crying messes.

"oh my god guys... what's wrong?" I ask kneeling sown next to the pair placing a reassuring hand on their shoulders.

"why did you do this Julie?" Reggie cries 

I immediately knew what the two were talking about

"yeah how could you do this to him?" Alex added anger rising in his voice.

"I know guys I messed up real bad, but was so wasted last night I had no idea what was happening, and I didn't mean to break up with him I was just confused and upset."


"I know it looks and sounds bad but I never wanted to kiss Nick I just couldn't get him off me... and yes I lied to Luke and as soon as I arrived at the party I wished I had never done it but it was too late."

"why didn't you call us to come to get you?" Alex asks a blank expression on his face.

"BECAUSE I WAS ASHAMED!... I was ashamed of the stupid decisions I made" tears are streaming down my face now, all the memories replaying in my mind. "so can you please let me talk to Luke now... I need to fix this with him"

both their faces dropped Reggie's tearing up again.

"Jules he's gone" Reggie's voice breaks his head falling into his hands.

"what... w-w-what do you mean he's gone?"

"Jules you did the one thing he couldn't bare.... you were his everything" Alex murmurs his face stained with tears.

"s-so he's really gone?" I say my voice breaking

"yeah he packed all his stuff last night then left"

"no.nononononononono" I scream racing outside into the pouring rain "SHIT"

Luke's POV

I'm walking around the streets doing something I never thought I would find myself doing, looking for Caleb.

after leaving the studio last night I wandered all over the city thinking about what I was going to do now....if I can't be with Jules and I can't find a way to cross over I may as well join Caleb's club.

the streets are quiet as it's early in the morning the pale morning light making the street glimmer slightly, I come to a stop out the front of the Hollywood Ghost Club and take a deep breath before opening the door and walking into the building.

walking into my future.... without the love of my damn life.

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