burn shit sown

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TW⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ depression

1 month since Luke left 

Alex POV

well it's been a hard few weeks.

after Jules found out that Luke left she fell apart, and it only seems to be getting worse as each day goes by. she has fallen into a deep stage of depression and it's gotten so bad that ray decided to pull her out of school until she has recovered.

Reggie is taking all this really hard it brings back memories of his mother after his father left her when he was 15.

"we should go check in on her" Reggie murmurs his expression blank.

"yeah let's go" I nob my lips in a straight line.

we head upstairs but when we get to Julies bedroom door we both freeze when we hear her crying and the sound of things being thrown across the room. Reggie and I turn to each other and nod as we push open the door,  Julie's room is a mess her bedding is hanging half off the then bed, books and clothes are spread all over the floor and her dream box has been shoved into her desk bin songs also covering the floor. Julie is curled up in the corner of the room her head between her legs her back shaking as she cries.

 Julie is curled up in the corner of the room her head between her legs her back shaking as she cries

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"Julie?" Reggie whispers tears running down his cheeks at the sight of his best friend.

she slowly lifts her head and turns to look at us but she doesn't speak

"you will get through this" Reggie whispers kneeling down at her side his hand on her shoulder.

this only makes Julie burst into tears again "no I don't think I will" she cries 

"of course you will... come on let's go to the studio you haven't played in weeks" I say trying not to cry myself.

"No I don't want to play...not when he's not here" she yells 

"Julie he would want you to play" I answer my heart breaking at the state she has found herself in.

"CAN'T YOU SEE I CAN'T PLAY.... HE WAS MY MUSE HE WAS THE THING THAT BROUGHT THE MUSIC BACK TO ME" she screams kicking her legs and throwing a book that was next to her across the room.

"ok, ok you don't need to play.... how about we watch a movie?" I ask

"no I'm tired" she is always tired now

"sure we will let you get some rest" Reggie smiles helping her up onto her bed.

"thanks guys"

Julies POV

I wake up at 2:00am after having another nightmare, I have them all the time now.

ever since Luke left I have been broken. lost.

And I can't help but live every day with the thought that if I had of kept my promise to Luke and not have gone to that stupid party he would still be here with me.

I feel like I'm drowning in the constant darkness that surrounds me, now all I can do it lay in bed preying I can fall asleep before I fall apart.

I sit up slowly in my bed only to find Alex asleep on one side of my bed Reggie on the other.

I feel like shit for putting them through this and not being able to comfort them, they lost their best friend as well.

After Luke left I haven't been able to play a single note but every night when I wake up from my nightmares I head to the studio and try to play, but I always end up a crying mess and don't pay anything.

I let out a heavy sigh and carefully hop out of bed and leave my room.

the house is quiet, dead still it reminds me of how my life has been the last few weeks.

I open the front door and head out to the studio. once inside I just stand in the centre of the room all the memories that I have of Luke and I in here writing songs or sleeping on his couch and band practices with the guys. the memories bring tears to my eyes, I can't do this anymore everywhere I look there is a reminder of him, a sign that he isn't coming back... a sign that I broke his heart.

I'm on the floor my head in my hand the tears coming uncontrollably. the feeling of panic begins to rise in me I breath heavily looking for away to release all these feeling that I have bottled up inside. 

my eyes land on the piano. whenever I look at it I want to bash it with a baseball bat.

"SHIT" I scream stumbling to my feet and over to the piano. "I'm sorry Luke" I continue to scream as I begin to push the piano out the studio doors until it's in the middle of the courtyard. I rush back into the studio and head to the liquor cabinet and pull out a bottle of  vodka. my hands are shaking as I open the bottle and begin to toss the vodka all over the piano.

"JULIE!" I hear Alex's  consernd voice  come from behind me.  

"what the hell are you doing?" Reggie adds a hint of anger in his voice. "WHAT'S WRONG?"

"WHAT THE HELL DOES IT LOOK LIKE" I scream reaching into my pocket for the lighter "WHATS WRONG... I'M BLOODY DEPRESSED AND HEARTBROKEN!" I yell at the pair of them the lighter clasped in my hand.

I roll my thumb on to lighter causing the small flame to appear but before I have the chance to throw it Alex grabs me and pulls me back into his chest.

"YOUR NOT THINKING STRAIGHT JULIE" He orders as I scream for him to let me go.

"ALEX LET ME GO RIGHT FUCKING NOW" I kick him in the stomach causing him to release me, I still crying so hard when I throw the lighter, seconds the piano bursts into furious flames and I fall to my knees a crying angry mess.

Alex and Reggie are totally silent as they stand behind me watched the piano burn.

thanks for reading this chapter guys 

hope you are all well and thriving 💕


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