The song and tickle fights

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Julie's POV

"Ok guys let's go from the top" I say placing my mic back on the stand and taking a swig from my water bottle.
"You got it boss "Luke smirks at me.
Luke has been acting very flirtatious the last few days and I don't know why, NOT THAT I'M COMPLAINING.

"Ok 1,2,1,2,3,4" Alex yells as he begins to drum the beat of one of our new songs that Luke wrote and I won't admit it to him but it's definitely one of the best songs he has ever written.
 we all have our own parts to sing as well, I love this freaking song.

We all start the song off before Luke leads us into the first verse.
(A/n💖 they sing the song at the top)

That I'm so down
Hey hey.

After we finish the song Luke and I look at each other and he sends me a cute wink a smile on his face, I can instantly feel the heat in my cheeks. I quickly turn to face Alex and Reggie so Luke can't see me blushing.

"Guys we are so preforming that at our gig tomorrow" I squeal doing a little happy dance. "LUKE I LOVE YOUR SONG" I run and give him a big hug. ( I love how I can hug him now)
He wraps his  free arm around me holding me close to his chest for a few moments before he steps back to place his guitar on the stand.
"Heyyyyy Luke." Alex asks his I'm up to something face on.
"You never told us who that song is about"
Luke shifts is weight and looks down at his shoes.
"O-oh um I- it's about no one I just felt like writing a love kinda song, It's not about a-anyone" Luke is now blushing and rubbing the back of his neck which gives him away completely.
"OMG LUKE YOUR LYING" I yell sounding like I'm finding this funny but really I'm freaking the hell out inside, just the thought of Luke with someone else makes me go into a rage.
"W-what n-n-no I'm not" he stutters backing away from me slowly.
"Ohhhhh you so are" I insist 
I run over to him and push him down onto his couch cutting him off, we both land on his couch a laughing mess but I don't stop I need an answer. I sit on top of him and start to tickle at his sides making him scream.
"JULIEEEEE WHYYYYYYYY" he laughs between screams.
"MUAHAHAHAHAHAH" I cackle an evil laugh which makes Reggie and Alex laugh as well.
"GUYS SAVE MEEEE" Luke stretches his arm out to Reggie and Alex for help but they only grab pillows from the couch and start playfully hitting him with them while I continue to tickle his sides
"AHHHHHHHH" he screams
"NOOOOOOO" he says grabbing my sides throwing me off him and running to the other side of the studio a cheeky, childish smile in his face.
"Well fine Patterson but just know I will find out" I step closer to him.
"Oh really, will you now" he answers taking a step back only for him to get pinned against the wall, I take this as an opportunity.
I walk up to him so that there is only a few inches between us. I have no  idea where all this confidence is coming from but I like it. I lean in so that our lips are dangerously close.
"Yes I will find out"

Luke's POV

Holy shit!
I swear this girl will be the end of me, we are so close right now I could just lean in the slightest and we would be kissing. But just as I was contemplating doing just that she takes a step back an amused expression on her beautiful face.
"Ok guys one more time from the top than I'm going to bed going to bed we have a big gig tomorrow night" she says walking back over to our instruments and plugging her mic back in.
" you got it" Reggie and Alex sing together while I stay pinned against the wall.
"Come on Luke" Julie giggles
Yup she will definitely kill me

I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far 💖

I what would you like to see happen between Luke and Julie????

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