Luke... she needs you

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Luke's POV

Well life has been shit lately. I joined Caleb's club and let's just say he's stick a total dick. I preform every night in front of a great crowd but I can't ignore the feeling of emptiness that I now carry with me.

I'm sitting on the stage playing my acoustic guitar and singing my last song of the evening.

"Thank you" I murmur into the Mic before exiting the stage.

"well wasn't that miserable" Caleb chuckles adjusting the sleeves of his purple velvet jacket.

"yeah well I'm a miserable man these days" I say pushing past him and start to walk down the hallway to my room.

"oh trust me I've noticed... you'll get over her" he snickers "plus as you said yourself... she doesn't want you anymore does she?"

my heart drops at the thought "yeah, she doesn't"

"uhhh I hate all this emotional shit let's go party"

"I may be working for you but it defiantly doesn't mean I like you" I growl at Caleb which causes him to roll is eyes and walk out of the room. Dear lord I hate that guy. I wander down the hallway until I get to my bedroom and as soon as I enter the room I flop down onto my bed and pull out my phone.

every night since I joined the club I lay in bed and read through mine and Julies old messages lie a total loser but I can't help it, they remind me of all the good times we had.

every night since I joined the club I lay in bed and read through mine and Julies old messages lie a total loser but I can't help it, they remind me of all the good times we had

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tears pool in my eyes after reading through months worth of messages, I swear I'm such a baby now I cry whenever I think about Julie or anything that relates to her.

suddenly my phone starts ringing. Reggie?

"Hello" I murmur 

"shit you sound terrible" Reggie's voice shouts from the other side of the phone.

"yeah I am feeling pretty shitty"

"your not the only one" he says

"wait what does that mean?" I ask

"Man Julie... she isn't doing to well"

I stay silent trying not to burst into tears again

"bro when I say she isn't doing well I mean like she's... s-she's depressed Luke. so much so that she had to drop out of school because she started having p-panic attacks everyday. and now she is seeing a t-therapist five days a week." Reggie is crying his sobs obvious over the phone.

I'm crying again my heart breaks even more thinking that the girl I love is going through all this.

"s-s-she's stopped playing"

"WHAT?" I shout squeezing my eyes shut tight.

"yeah in fact she had a bit of a mental breakdown last night and she well... she may have burn't her piano to the ground while Alex and I were asleep"

"alright ok... um I'm coming back" I stutter picking up my jacket and backpack

"wait where are you?"

"um, the Hollywood Ghost Club"

" for God sake Lucas" I can here the disappointment in Reggie's voice "we will talk about that later just... get your ass down here"

"ok I'm on my way"

"Luke... she needs you" with that said he hangs up the phone and I sneak out my window to go to the Monina house.

going to see Julie.

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