I love you

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Julie's POV

Tonight Luke and I are going on our first official date.

"I can't believe you two haven't gone out yet, you've been dating for what... a month now" Flynn shakes her head at me getting all of my make up ready.

"I can hear you Flynn" Luke's deep voice comes from the kitchen area.

"Sorry dude just being honest" Flynn giggles as Luke poke his head into the room.

"better late then never." Luke says sending me a cute wink.

"Ok prince charming your princess needs to get ready beat it" Flynn  kicks Luke out of the room and shuts the door with a quiet slam before turning dramatically to face me.  

"ok baby girl we have a few ours to transform you... LETS DO THIS!" Flynn grins holding up a make up brush letting out an evil cackle.

"let's do it" I smile back.

1 hour later

I stand and look at the girl in the mirror a smile lighting up her face.

"Jules you look beautiful" Flynn wraps her arms around me from behind her chin resting on my shoulder.

"thanks Flynn I couldn't have done it without you."

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I have light make up on and my hair is in a simple half up half down style

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I have light make up on and my hair is in a simple half up half down style.

"my baby is ready to shine" Flynn squeals.

we make our way out into the living area. Reggie and Alex are both sitting in the recliners on their phones but when I enter the room they both leap to their feet.

"wow Jules you look amazing" Reggie smiles giving me a quick huge.

"yeah truly beautiful" Alex adds.

"thanks guys" I smile 

"Ok so Luke gave us strict instructions we have to cover your eyes with this." Reggie holds out a dark blue bandana.

"oooo ok"  I turn around letting Reggie tie the bandana over my eyes.

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