truth or dare.

76 3 5

Jules POV

our flight to London has just taken off and all of us are sitting up the front of the jet on the leather couches.

"so what should we do" Flynn asks

we all shrug but then Flynn and I looked each other indicating that we both had the same idea, we both leap to our feet. "TRUTH OR DARE"

the guys just laugh.

"you guys are such girls" Alex giggles snuggling into willies side.

"so you guys in" Flynn exclaims 

"yeah why not" Luke agrees 

I turn my head to look at the others, they all nod.

"yay this will be fun" I cheer.

"I'll get the booze" Luke says disappearing down the back of the plane.

"ok who wants to start"

Reggie instantly throws his hand in the air " me"

" go ahead Reggie" I say getting comfy on the couch.

Reggie looks around at everyone his gaze landing on Flynn "Flynn truth or dare"

"um truth" she giggles

"ok Flynn do you like anyone?" Reggie asks he may deny it but he is really into Flynn and by the look on Flynn's face she is into Reg as well. 

Flynn blushes slightly "yes I do"

"ok my turn" Flynn looks around at everyone a cheeky smirk on her face.

"Alex truth or dare?"

"um truth" Alex replies

"are you in love with Willie"

willie and Alex both giggle.

"yes, yes I am" Alex looks into Willie's eyes and places a kiss to his lips.



Luke returns with a bottle of vodka and six shot glasses.

"who wants booze" Luke sings passing everyone a shot glass.

once Luke sits down next to me I snuggle into his side his arm wrapping around me.

"anyway my turn. Julie truth or dare?" Alex asks 

"hmmmm dare" I smile a wicked grin 

Alex laughs "I dare you to make out with Reggie in front of Luke" Alex smiles a sneaky smirk.

"I'm sorry WHAT!" Luke whisper yells as if Alex has said something sinful causing the rest of us to laugh at his reaction. "I'm sorry no, no, noooooo that will not be happening."

"ahh fine, Jules I dare you to kiss Reggie for one minuet"

"really" Luke whines looking at me his hold tightening. 

"Its just a game baby" I remind him.

Luke sighs and sends me a pained look "Flynn pass me the vodka please" 

we all laugh at Luke's reaction

"I got you man" Flynn chucks the vodka bottle over to Luke who rips the lid off and take a long swig straight from the bottle.

"ok. I'm ready." Luke says taking a deep breath. "oh and Reggie" Luke points is finger at Reggie a glare of rage in this eyes "NO HANDS ARE WE CLEAR"

"crystal" Reggie swallows loudly.

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