One week to go

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Luke's POV 

it's been three weeks since Jules told the guys and I about our manager and in that short three weeks we have decided to go on a 4 month long tour . We are leaving on the 1st of January and our first show is on the third in Vancouver city.
We are leaving in one week so this morning I decided I would help Jules pack her stuff.
I've been in her room for about an hour helping her pack the last of her things, Jules needs to take multiple suitcases mainly because she is carrying all of her elaborate preforming clothes.
" okay baby I think I'm done." Jules says walking out of the bathroom a red dress in one hand and a purple one in the other.
"That's great now come here" I demand my arms stretched out wide.
Jules smiles and quickly jumps onto me causing we to fall back onto her bed. " hello handsome"
I wrap my arms around her waist and Kiss her sweetly on the forehead.
"Okay. Have you spoken to your dad" I ask knowing that Jules and her dad are in a rough place at the moment.
" yeah a bit, he's still pissed about you and me being together and when I told him I was going on a 4 month long tour with you that only made shit worst." Jules is sad about what happened between her father and her I can tell but she won't admit it.
" Jules we don't have to the tour right now you know that we could always wait until you and your dad have sorted things out" I suggest. Kissing her lips quickly Because I simply can't help myself.
" ABSOLUTELY NOT. We are leaving for our tour next Monday and my father and all his selfishness will not be the thing to stop us." Jules shouts her arms crossed tightly across her chest. a pout on her face.

we sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before she speaks again.

"you know we still haven't gone on a date yet right"

I chuckle "would you like me to take you on a date Julie Molina"

"yes, I very much would Lucas Patterson" Jules giggles placing a kiss to my hand with is currenly tightly interwined with hers.

" Well I will get to take you out lots on our tour." I say with a smirk on my face.

" really where will we be going or haven't you thought that far yet" Jules teases her hands reaching behind her head to wrap around my neck. I swear Jules  and I really struggle without touching each other so much so that Alex is getting concerned.
"No I've thought about it" I lean down to whisper in her ear "but it's a surprise so I'm not going to say anything" I laugh beginning to press soft angle kisses down her neck.
Jules sighs heavily turning her head so she can kiss my neck as well.

"that's nice Luke" Jules breathes between kisses.

"Really, well we can do this everyday for the next 4 months if you want" I chuckle.

"sounds perfect to me" Jules smiles and presses her lips to mine one last time.


"yes baby"

"I cant wait to go on tour with you"

Jules just smiles 

"me neither." we both smile.

sorry for the shorter chapter this was really just a fill chapter.

the band is about to leave for a big and exiting journey I cant wait to write it.

I hope you guys are enjoying.

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