Christmas part 1🎄

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Julies POV

it's Christmas eve in France!

instead of staying in a hotel Andi has given us her mountain house to stay in while we're here. 

"damn how much money does this Andi chick have?" willie asks sounding slightly confused.

"um lots she own destiny management" I explain but Willie just looks confused.

"the most popular management company in the world babe" Alex explains

"oh got it" willie smiles sending Alex a cute wink

"wait why?" Reggie asks

"because this is her mountain house"

we round the corner and everyone in the car gasps.

we round the corner and everyone in the car gasps

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 "holy shit" Luke gasps 

"what the hell" Reggie adds 

we pull up into the drive way and once the car had stopped everyone began to pile out.

"crap I'm freezing my ass off out here" Flynn whines shivering.

"here I got you" Reggie smile giving Flynn his jacket.

"thanks Reggie" Flynn somehow managed to blush even though it's so bloody cold.

Luke gets my suitcase out of the car and hands it to me.

"ooo baby you need to wear sleeves here" I giggle 

"I know it sucks" he pouts

"oh poor baby" I kiss his lips quickly as I walk past him and into the house.

everyone has already gone to find there rooms of choice so Luke and I go hunting as well.

eventually after opening what seems like a thousand doors I found an empty bedroom.

"Luke baby I found one" I yell out

5 minutes later Luke came into the room and flops down onto the bed next to me

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5 minutes later Luke came into the room and flops down onto the bed next to me.

"this place is huge I got lost" he chuckles kissing my temple

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