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Luke's POV

It's been a week since Jules and I confessed our feelings for each other and even since then things have been amazing. We've kissed in her room, made out in my car and in the studio. We kissed on top of the Orpheum and even made out on my couch.

So yeah everything is going great except for one thing.

"we really should tell the guys about us" I murmur in between kissing Julie's neck and her pulling my hair lightly. 

Jules kisses me deeply for the millionth time this morning. "yeah we really do" she whispers breathlessly probably just trying to get to stop talking. Jules has really changed since the guys and I first met her, she's so much more alive and the SASS this girl has is honestly really sexy.

 My hands automatically go to her waist and pull her as close to me as she can get but apparently that wasn't close enough for Julie because she flings her leg across my lap so she is straddling me her hands cupping my neck.

caught up in our our incredibly sexy make out session we didn't realise when Alex and Reggie enter the studio.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK" both Alex and Reggie shout causing Julie and I to both fall off of my couch with a big crash.

"Omg MY EYES MY POOR  INNOCENT EYES" Reggie squeals like a bloody three year old covering his eyes and turning to face the other direction. 

Jules and I rush to our feet me trying straighten my already half off shirt and Jules wiping her face and fixing her hair.

"we're not naked idiot" I snap at Reggie.

"what is happening in here guys?" Alex snickers his arms crossed over his chest looking like a consernd father.

"yeah what do think you guys were doing?" Reggie adds.


" UM WHYYYY ARE THE TWO OF YOU MAKING OUT EXACTLY" Alex asked looking very confused.

"YEAH and how haven't we noticed whatever is happening between you guys" Reggie looking very disappointed turned to Alex "we're losing our touch bro"

"it's a long story" I look down at my shoes rubbing the back of my neck.

"OH please do tell" Reggie says sitting down into one of the armchairs Alex in the other.

"oh u-um well after the gig last week Jules and I-I were just h-hanging out and well we u-uh kind of stared kissing, one thing led to another and we confessed everything to each other." I said way to fast stumbling over my words.

"And you guys have been sneaking around making out behind our backs since then." Alex asks a disgusted expression on his face. "you horny teenagers." he laughs.

"Well you see we always wait till you guys are out before we start doing anything and we usually finish before you guys get back but ummm today we were a little more into it then usual" Julie explained a strong level of humour in her voice.
The guys turn to look at me big smirks on their faces.
"Um yeah what Jules said"
Once we fill the guys in what happen after that night Jules said she had to go meet Flynn so she said goodbye and left me with the guys.

"Ok see ya Jules" we all say at once.

 As soon as she shuts the studio doors I'm on my feet standing in front of Alex and Reggie.

"I'm going to ask Jules to be my girlfriend" I exclaim a smile on my face, just the thought of Julie makes me smile.

"Um dude I don't know if you remember but she was literally straddling your lap less than 20 minutes ago while you two were making out on your couch I think you guys are already at the boyfriend, girlfriend stage." Reggie said scratching his head as if I confused him.
I just glare at him for a second.

 "No Reggie I do remember that moment very well but Jules and I are nothing official yet and I want to make it official" I answer a little frustrated.
Alex picked up on my irritation and stepped in.

 "that's great Luke how are you going to ask her"
" well I have written her a song and I'm going to take her out and play it for her" I explained
"Awwwww" both the guys sigh like little girls.
We could help you set up a romantic surprise here in the studio" Alex offers

I look at the guys I really am lucky to have them.

" thanks guys that would be great" I pull both Alex and Reggie in for a group hug before we all get to work.
And after about an hour we have transformed the loft into Something off one of Julie's Pinterest boards.

And after about an hour we have transformed the loft into Something off one of Julie's Pinterest boards

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"Omg, omg, Omgggg she is going to love it Luke" Alex squeals jumping up and down.
" I hope so" I'm starting to get nervous I have never been this venerable with a girl before.

" okay, okay Reggie and I are off you just have fun" Alex says giving me a supportive smile
" but not too much fun if you know what I mean" Reggie adds with a smirk
"REGGIE I COUKD HAVE LIVED MY WHOLE AFTER LIFE WITHOUT THAT PICTURE IN MY HEAD" Alex yells before shutting the doors and marching off their arguing slowly fading in the distance.
I can't help but laugh at the pair.

About 30 minutes later

I'm so nervous right now I texted Julie hours ago to come down to the studio at 6:00 it's now... I check my watch 6:02.
Right as I was about to start worrying I hear a gasp from behind me making me jump.
"omg Luke what is this" Julie smiles and walks over to me.
"Oh hey Jules it's all for you"
" well I gathered that but why" she gasps again her hand covering her mouth.
"Because your a very special person to me Jules and I want you to know that". I say taking her hand and walking her over to the piano.
"Now I have never told or shown anyone this but as I said you are special."
"What is it" Jules asked
"I wrote a special song for a special girl to be played on a special instrument." I laugh at my repetitiveness.
slowly sit down next to Jules at the piano placing my hands on the keys before starting to play.
Julie's mouth instantly falls open and her eyes go wide.
I laugh once more at this gorgeous girls reaction and begin to sing the song I wrote for Jules. (One of many)

(a/n song at the top)

Cause your a sky
Cause your a sky
Full of stars...

Yeah,yeah,yeah ohh

I finish the song and turn to face Julie.
She has tears in her eyes and her hand is over her mouth again.
"Jules" I murmur
"Oh. My. God." She whispers a tear running down her face.
I reach up to wipe it away " did you like it"
"Did I like it. LUKE IS WAS BEAUTIFUL" she cry's placing a kiss to my cheek.
"Good because I have something to ask you." I say my voice shaking a little.
"Anything Luke" Julie smiles wiping away another tear.
"Jules ever since I met you I thought you were the most beautiful, creative and courageous girl I had ever met and want to ask you... um Julie Molina will you make me the happiest guy who ever died and came back to life and be my girlfriend?"
All is still and silent and Jules just stares at me, her mouth wide open and eyes wide.
Minutes pass but still no answer.
"come on Jules you have to say something" I laugh but really I'm dying on the inside what if I just ruined everything by confusing her. What if she hates me now, shit what have I done...

I snap out of my thoughts instantly turning so that i have one leg on each side of the piano stool.

I kiss her deeply
"Thank you Jules" we laugh together.
And enjoy our wonderful night together.

Yessss god I love them 💖

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