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Luke's POV

my heart is racing and I can feel the panic rising inside me, I came back home to find Jules gone!

I rush around her house looking like a robber or something looking in very possible place she could be then I rush out to the studio bursting through the studio door scaring Alex and Reggie to death.

"woah, woah man what's wrong" Alex says placing his hands on my shoulders stopping me from running around the room.

"SHE'S GONE" I half yell shoving past Alex and heading to the loft to get my jacket.

"what do you mean Julie's gone" Reggie stands a consernd expression on his face. "she would never leave us"

"no you idiot she's not inside which means she's gone to that stupid party that Nicks throwing tonight" I explain grabbing all my things. 

"the one you two were talking about tis morning" Alex asks

"yeah, how do you- No never mind I'm going to get her" I reply storming out of studio

"wait up we're coming too" Reggie sprints over to my side Alex right behind him.

Jules POV

I'm wasted!

as soon as we arrived at the party I was regretting my decision on coming and lying to Luke.

but now after a few beers and about 2 shots I'm not feeling as bad anymore.

"see girl I told you it would be fun" Flynn shouts over the music

"I know I'm having a blast" I lie

Flynn and I dance for hours laughing, drinking and doing crazy ass shit like jumping on the trampoline out back and we even almost jumped into the pool with all our clothes on but thankfully Nick stopped us from doing that.

"hey girls" he chuckles, probably at our drunken state

"heyyyyyyyy Nick" I squeal giving him a quick hug

"ooooo guys there's Carrie I'm gonna say hi" Flynn walks off over to Carrie who was sitting on the grass around a fire.

"oh my gosh Jules I haven't seen you in ages! how was the tour?" nick asks as we walk back inside the house to get another drink.

"oh it was absolutely amazing" I yell over the music 

"thats great how are the guys?"

"oooh their good" I slur 

"they weren't feeling like partying tonight?" nick questions handing me a cup to pour me beer into

"nah they won't be coming" 

this makes a smile appear on Nicks face and he quickly looks over his shoulder before looking back at my face.

"do you want to dance partner" he smiles extending his hand

I had to pause to try and think about it for a second

"come on Jules don't leave me hanging" Nick begs 

"ok"  let out a giggle and take his hand.

we walk into the centre of the living room and began to jump, twirl and leap round the room laughing and having a blast.

"so why didn't the guys come?" Nick askes again

"well... Reggie and Alex don't even know about the party but... Luke didn't want me to come either" I explain over the loud music

"What! why not?"

"well... hahaha... he thinks you have a thing for me" I laugh even at the thought. Nick and I have talked about his whole liking me thing and we agreed we are just good friends.

suddenly I feel a pair of arms pull on my waist and the next thing I know I'm against Nicks chest his lips an inch from mine.

"well he's not wrong about that" he whispers before smashing his lips to mine.

Luke's POV

Alex, Reggie and I arrived at the party and it's wild the front lawn is filled with teenagers dancing drinking and just doing kid shit. 

"it's a shame the Nick guy is throwing this party... it looks like fun" Reggie pouts walking up the front steps and into the house.

the music is pounding and the smell of stale beer and cigarettes fills the air

" ok let's go find her then we can go" I order marching off towards the kitchen.

I wander around the house trying to find Jules but it's no use I can't see her anywhere, suddenly my phone rings in my pocket and I reach to answer it, it's Reggie.

"sup man have you found her?"

"Luke you need to get into the living room now" Reggie sounds upset and panicked.

"yeah I on my way" I hang and head down the hallway only to bump into Alex.

"hey man what's up"

Alex's face is pale and has worry all over it

"what's wrong with you two Reggie sounded like he was shitting himself on the phone" I look around the room looking for something that could be causing their stress and then out of nowhere I see it and my heart drops.

Jules and Nick are standing in the centre of the living room their lips smashed together Nicks arms around her waist and her hands presses against his chest.

Pure rage fills me my heart pounding harder then it ever has before, I take a step forward ready to punch Nicks face in but Alex's hand stops me gripping my shoulder.

"what are you-"

"Let. go. now." I demand my eyes never leaving Nick. Alex gets the idea and lets go of my shoulder.

I storm over to Nick who is now dancing beside a frozen still Julie, I walk right up to him and before I fully decide what I going to do to him I punch him right in the face.

"OW WTF" he shouts causing everyone in the room to turn to look at the both of us.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I yell punching him again harder this time causing him to fall to the ground ."HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY GIRLFRIEND" I spit "HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES DO I NEED TO TELL YOU" nick is back on his feet again blood running down his face, he disgusts me. "SHE IS MINE!" I shout at the top of my lungs.

Nick just smirks at me the little prick.


I snapped at this point I throw myself at Nick making us both fall to the ground with a crash.

"GET OFF ME YOU DICK" he shouts punching my face.

I roll us over so I was kneeling beside him "ALEX, REGGIE GET JULES OUT OF HERE "

Alex and Reggie come to grab Jules

"Luke I-"

"GO HOME JULIE" I yell making her freeze her eyes wide

"you don't need to listen to him Jules" Nick chuckles "you could stay here with me"

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU DICKHEAD" I roar kicking him in the ribs


my heart drops because deep down I know that he's right.

"FUCK YOU" I shout once more before turning and leaving the room.

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