It's called LOVE GOD DAMMIT!

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Luke's POV

the guys and I are chilling in the tour bus we're using for the rest of our tour.

we've only been in London for a day and Flynn and Jules have already gone shopping to the biggest shopping mall they could fine online, leaving the guys and I here to entertain ourselves

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we've only been in London for a day and Flynn and Jules have already gone shopping to the biggest shopping mall they could fine online, leaving the guys and I here to entertain ourselves. I'm currently spread out across the couch strumming on my guitar trying to come up with a new song for our next performance in  a few days. Alex in curled up on one of the recliners reading a book, Reggie scrolling on his phone on the other.

"so you excited for your date with Jules tomorrow?" Reggie asks looking up from his phone. "it only took you what... 3 weeks to ask your girlfriend out"

"shut up Reggie you can't say anything, you and your puppy eyes for Flynn" Alex teases

"yeah shove off MR"

"excuse you we aren't talking about me now are we. we're talking about Luke's date" Reggie blushes.

"oh yeah I've planned everything out, I just want everything to go smoothly."  I continue to strum my guitar.

"don't worry dude things with you and Jules are going great" Alex reassures me peaking over the top of his book slightly before returning his gaze back to the page.

"yeah things are amazing, whenever I'm with her I have constant butterflies, when she laughs it lights up my entire world she just completes me. I could never be without her."  just the thought of her makes me smile.

"sounds like you really LIKE her" Reggie sends me an exudated wink a large amount of sacrarium coating his voice. 

"yeah I do but I don't know it feels  like more then like now" I say sitting up placing my gutair back onto it's stand.

suddenly Alex jumps to his feet tossing his book across the bus falling to the floor with a loud slam. Alex looks up at the roof of the bus his hands pressed together like he was preying. "dear lord give me strength" he pauses then turns his attention back to me. "Luke this feeling your telling us about is something much bigger then just liking Julie."

"Bro haven't you been listening  I know that's it's something more but I don't know what" I raise my voice slightly getting frustrated about the situation.

"omg my god how can you be so clueless" Reggie joins in

"I'm so confused right now" I continue to raise my voice leaping to my feet along with Reggie.

Alex laughs covering his mouth with his hand.



The realization hits me like a Mac truck knocking all the air out of my lungs, I stumble back falling down onto the couch.

"holy shit" I whisper "I'm in Love with Julie" I whisper 

"no shit sherlock" Alex chuckles.

about an hour later

"hey guys we have returned" Flynn bursts into the bus scaring Reggie out of his sleep.

"u-um h-hi Flynn" Reggie scrambles to his feet.

"hey Reggie"

I roll my eyes at them both and leave to go find Jules.

"Jules baby" I call out 

"I'm coming" she sings skipping out from around the corner.

"hey baby" I sigh and wrap my arms around her. "I missed you"

"awww I missed you more"

"are we still on for tomorrow night" I ask leaning back slightly so I can look into those brown eyes I fell in love with.

" I sure hope so" Jules giggles resting her chin on my chest looking up at me. "what are we doing?" 

"can't say but wear something classy" I smirk down at her.

she takes a dramatic step back her hand over her mouth. "well now I'm excited."

"good, only the best for you baby"

I lean down and kiss her lips softly.

sorry for the short chapters I will try and make them longer😊

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