monster brain

69 3 4

Jules POV

so after my little breakdown in the backyard a few days ago Dad has made me go to see Dr Parker everyday of the week. I can't really blame him finding your 16 year old daughter burning down her piano in the backyard is enough to worry you a little. I'm currently sitting in Dr Parker's office, I hate this room, it's just so lifeless, the cold grey walls and back leather armchairs makes the place feel chilly and alone. I wearing a pair of black sweat pants, a white tank top and a oversized jumper paired with my plain white air Nikes.

"ok Julie how are you feeling today?" Dr Parker asks looking up from his notes pad.

I swear this guy frustrates the shit out of me. does he even pay any attention to me and what I say.

"as I said last yesterday, I still depressed and doing pretty shit" I pause "thanks for asking"

"ok, well I was thinking yesterday after you left of a solution to help with all this pain you carry with you."

"ok... what is it?" I ask

"come with me" he says as he gets to his feet and walks across the room and stops out the front of a door that I have never really noticed before.

"what's in here" I ask curious

"open the door and find out"  he insists 

I sigh heavily and slowly open the door. 

the room is about the size a small ball room with giant floor to ceiling windows with silky white curtains on each, the walls are the same pale grey colour but this room doesn't feel like Dr Parkers office it feels bright and happy. my gaze wanders around the room only coming to a stop when I see one of the most beautiful piano's I have ever seen. it's sitting on the right side of the room the pale rays of sunlight shining over the glossy black wood.

"this is beautiful" I whisper walking over to the piano and placing my hand over the cool wood carefully.

"I know, a lot of my clients find that music is the best kind oof therapy"

"that's something Luke would say" I sniff a small tear running down my cheek.

"I think you need to play Julie" I turn to face Dr Parker knowing deep down that he's right.

"playing is painful" I whisper

"I know Julie, sometimes the happiest memories are the ones that hurt the most" he pauses "but you need to push through this pain and see all the beauty music gives you"

damn that was deep.

"your right, your right" I mumble walking over to the piano brushing the tears off my cheeks, I sit down on the stool and place my fingers over the keys.

"I have been writing this one song ever since Luke left but haven't been able to bring myself to play it" 

"I'll give you some privacy" 

"thank you" I pause "can you get Alex I think he'll want to see this" 

"of course" he says leaving the room

after about 5 minuets Alex comes bursting through the doors "YOU GONNA PLAY?" 

"I smile yeah... I am"

I look at the shiny keys on the piano and eventually begin to play.

the room is silent for a few seconds both Alex and I in tears.

"Jules that was beautiful... he would have loved that" Alex cries softly pulling me in for a hug.

"thanks, I wanted you to hear it and Re- hang on where's Reggie?" I ask

"he said he had to do something today but he should be back by the time the tome we get home"

"oh ok cool let's get going then" I say getting up from the piano stool.

Alex and I say our thanks and goodbyes to Dr Parker before heading out to the car.

"let's get some Maccas on the way home" Alex says pulling out of the carpark.

"ok, I could use a coffee" I mumble 

"Julie you need to eat!" Alex demands  

"ok! jeez I' get something to eat" I smile 

I love Alex and Reggie without them and Flynn who knows what I would've done. in moments like these just hanging with Alex I feel as though everything could maybe be ok.

we pull into the Maccas drive through and Alex orders our food.

"thanks for doing this for me Alex" I smile at him 

"of course Julie your my family" he leans over and hugs me.

we sit in the parking lot eating our food for about half an hour until we decide to head home.  

as we drive home I watch as dark clouds roll in across the sky, once we arrive home it's pouring down rain. Alex and I run down the few steps and into the studio, Reggie is spread out across Luke's couch scrolling on his phone 

"hey Julie how was therapy?" he asks looking up from his phone.

"it was therapy, but..."

"but what?" Reggie smiles slightly

"I played again"

"WHAT!  JULIE THAT'S  AMAZING" Reggie jumps with joy

I sigh "it was but... it just didn't feel the same"

the room falls into silence and the air grows thick but just as I was about to leave and head to bed the studio doors burst open, and the person standing there made me gasp and drop to my knees.

"LUKE!" I scream.

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