Juke- final chapter

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Luke's POV

I burst through the studio doors desperate to get to Julie, after hearing everything Reggie said over the phone I have been a anxious mess.


I look over to see Julie down on her knees her hands cupping the side of her face, tears running  down her cheeks. my breath hitches in my throat at the sight of her, even with the rivers of mascara running down her face and the heavy bags under her eyes she is still so breath takingly beautiful. all I can do is stare.

"WTF are you doing here" Alex asks sounding really confused.

"um" I turn to face Reggie glaring at him slightly

"oh right um I called him" Reggie confesses

"why didn't you tell me?" Alex glares "or Julie?"

"I don't know, but that's not the point"

"then what is the point" I ask


we all just stare, Reggie really hates it when Jules and I are going through shit and I can tell just from looking at him that he's over the separation between us.

"ok guys you know what... Alex and I are just going to step out and let you have some time" Reggie says marching over towards the studio doors.

"um yeah that sounds like a good idea" Alex agrees following Reggie out the doors leaving only Julie and I. 

I slowly walk closer to Julie who is still on her knees on the floor.

"I can't believe your here" she barely whispers. 

"if we're being honest neither can I" I murmur

the room is silent for a few deafening minuets until it was Brocken by Julie's soft sobs.

"hey, hey" I immediately  get onto my keens and cup her gorgeous face in my hands.

"were you really not going to come back" she cries her hands wrapping around my wrists.

I'm silent for a moment not able to find the words.

"Jules, I told you when we started dating that I would do anything you asked of me." I pause once again "and you asked me to...leave...so I did"  

"I know but... I didn't want you to leave...and I hate myself for what I said" she continues to sob and I reach out to wipe the tears off her face. "Luke you are the light of my life and as you can see" she gestures to herself "without you I can't do anything...without you I can't live"

the pure feeling of bliss rips through me at her words and my heart instantly starts to race.

"you're my everything Luke Patterson"

and just like that my heart exploded. I instantly pull her to my chest and smash my lips to hers. GOD DAMMIT I have missed her so much. I swear Julie and I are not designed to be apart. EVER. I rise onto my knees gripping tightly to Jules's hips our frantic kisses only getting more and more needy.

"I missed you" she whispers breathless

"I love you" I kiss her again this time pushing her back so that she was lying down on the floor me hovering above her.

we must have been there making out on the floor for a while because we were eventually interrupted by a loud scream.

"OMG" Reggie leaps into Alex's arms his hands covering his eyes "MY EYES MY SWEET, INNOCENT EYES!" 

"Reggie calm down bud" Alex says smirking at Julie and I "so I see you two make up"

"what ever gave you that idea" Reggie rolls his eyes.

the room bursts out in laughter

"yeah we're good now" I whisper looking back at Julie.

Julie's POV

Alex and Reggie come and sit down beside us and we all jump into a big group hug right here on the floor. my heart was broken a few hours ago but now it's back together and the darkness that was consuming me no longer dwells inside me, the monster that once held my heart is gone and I have never felt so alive.

omg guys thank you so much for reading you're my everything it means so much to me.

I hope you enjoyed the story.


WE HIT 1K!!!!! YAY

I will be publishing the first chapter of my new JATP story 'Not another rockstar' soon so please keep an eye out.

thanks sooooo much


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