red carpet

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Luke's POV

I wake up with Julie wrapped in my arms her head tucked under my chin and her arms wrapped around my toros. 

(a/n their position)

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(a/n their position)

I swear this girl has me head over heels I'm a compete fool for her.

I place a kiss to her forehead and her beautiful eyes open slowly.

"hey baby" I greet her with a smile.

"hey" her sweet voice sends a chill down my spine.

she suddenly sits up a bright smile on her face.

"what s it baby"

"we have a red carpet tonight" she squeals standing up on the bed and jumping around causing me to crack up. 

"this so exciting" Jules screams again jumping down next to me "how aren't you jumping with excitement"

I sit up my eyes never leaving Jules's, as I creep closer to her  she moves closer to me until I'm close enough to grab her and flip her so that she's under me.

"oooo hello I could get used to that" Jules smirks at me

"if we're being honest so could I" I whisper in her ear causing her to shiver.

I slowly begin to kiss her neck because I know that's her favourite. Jules wraps her legs and arms around me pulling me closer to her. I move my lips to hers and we kiss each other deeply and desperately, Jules bits my lip slightly and Jesus she sends me into a frenzy. I grab her  ass and sit up with her so the she is straddling me.

"well look who's to horny one this morning" Jules teases.

"well sleeping next to you for hours on end does this to me" I laugh and point to her " you turn me into this" I gesture to myself.

"well I like horny Luke" she giggles "but we have an event tonight and I cant shoe up to my first red carpet with hickeys  all over my neck"

I sigh filled with disappointment " that's fine but I don't know how well  I will cope on our flight to London." I pout.

"I'm sure we can figure something out" Jules whispers in my ear before kissing just behind it.

"ahhhhhhh" I whine 

but Jules just giggles and leaves the room.

Jules POV (2 hours before the red carpet)

I have never felt so excited about an event in my life. right now Luke, Reggie,  Alex and I are hanging in our room waiting for Flynn and Willie to arrive.

Flynn and Willie are coming on the rest of the tour with us and that just makes this adventure so much more special.

"sooo how did you two go last night" Alex chuckles " I hope protection was used"

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