hard flight

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"wait so you mean to tell me that we are going in that" Reggie screams with excitement.

"yes Reggie Andi has given us a private jet top use for the tour on behalf of destiny management" I giggle wrapping one arm around his shoulders.

"shiiitttt" Reggie gasps again dragging out the word " I love having a manager. "   he shouts with joy running over to the jet.

as soon as I enter the jet I let out a huge gasp, this is amazing

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as soon as I enter the jet I let out a huge gasp, this is amazing. there are four white leather recliners down the back of the jet and up the front a huge mini bar and a large leather couch.

"damn is is awesome" Luke stands at the door way in astonishment.

"I know Andi really outdid herself."

once we have all gotten ourselves sorted in our seats the captain introduced himself  and said we would be taking off shortly.

Luke runs to the bathroom to change into something more comfortable and when he came back I gasp slightly quickly turning my head in the opposite direction to calm myself before turning back to look at him.

Luke is wearing a pair of baggy grey sweat pants and an oversized sunset curve hoodie, its a pain outfit but... damnnn.... its really turning me on.

Luke must have notice me staring because he walks over to me and kneels right in front of me a grin on his face.

"what are you staring at missy"

at this point I cant breathe all I do is stare at Luke and try my hardest not to jump on top of him in front of Alex and Reggie.


Alex and Reggie are up the front at the bar maybe...


"nothing you just look... really... nice in sweatpants" i stutter causing a cheeky smile to spread across Luke's face. 

"NO Luke" I whisper yell. 

Luke looks at me real confused. 

'no what?" he asks

"I know that cheeky smile that was on your face a second ago its your ' lets go have a make out session face'" I whisper yell once again.

Luke chuckles and rises to his feet once more.

"well you were asking for it with that face." he lifts my chin so that I am looking at him again. "you were staring at me with your mouth open and big Do-me eyes."

"WHAT... WAS NOT" I scream causing the guys at the front to look at me and Luke.

Luke smiles and leans into me "were too" before he walks past me and down to the guys leaving me a hot flustered mess.

I will get him back for that.

after we had finally taken off the guys and I were just chilling out the front on the couch when the flight attendant comes and asks if we wanted any drinks.

"ah yes please can we just get four beers please." Alex asked showing his ID quickly 

"of course I will grab them for you now"

about an hour later the guys are all a little tipsy especially Alex.

eventually I was the one to call the party to a close because Alex was saying how sexy the he thought the flight attendant was. 

"ok Alex honey I don't know if you remember but your gay and you have a wonderful boyfriend who is meeting you in Vancouver so lets go to bed now ok." I giggle at Alex's silly behaviour. 

"ok julieeeee" I help Alex back to his bed and tuck him in before telling Reggie and Luke to go to bed as well.

"aren't you going to help me get to bed Julie baby" Luke pouts reaching out for me.

"only because I like you Lukey baby" I whisper in his ear.

once I get Luke into bed I place a tender kiss to his lips and head over to my bed.

Luke and I haven't slept together yet, we just haven't gotten that far but if Luke continues to wear those bloody sweat pants I'm not sure if I'll make it to Vancouver with out jumping on top of him. 

if only Luke knew what he did to me.

I fall asleep thinking about Luke like usual  but when I did sleep I was being haunted by dreams of Luke and I.

 dreams I have never had before.

but ones I definitely want to have again.

Luke's POV 

I wake up around 1:30am hard as shit.

ever since Jules kissed me goodnight I've been thinking about her, dreaming about her, wanting her.

I get up and walk to the front of the plane to the couch I sit down trying to think of other things apart from Julie.

"the concert"

"checking into the hotel"

"Reggie and Alex arguing about which bed they want"

all these really un-sexy thoughts helps get Jules out of my mind so I eventually head back to bed.

geez I don't know how much longer I can last without grabbing Jules ad kissing her again-

"shut up Luke" I groan rolling onto my stomach thinking of other things again.

another chapter done 

I hope you guys are enjoying 

please comment any suggestion


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