broken promise

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Jules's POV

the biggest smile spread across my face when I woke up in my own bed this morning I leaped to my feet and bolted to the kitchen to hug my dad and brother.

"oh my gosh you guys" I squeal jumping into their arm arms "I missed you so much!"

"we missed you too" Carlos laughs sliding a pate of waffles across the counter for me.

"yeah we really did sweetheart, it's been awfully quiet without your and the guys practicing in the studio" dad chuckles giving me a side hug.

"yeah I bet" Luke's voice comes from behind me "hey baba"

"hey, when did you come in" I ask

"oh I let the boys sleep in the guest rooms last night because I was doing some cleaning in the studio." my dad explains.

"oh I see" I turn and kiss Luke on the forehead.

"so what are you kids up to today?" dad asks while flipping a pancake.

"well actually I'm going to a party that Flynn and Nick are throwing at Nick's tonight."

"Nick?" Luke asks I can feel him stiffen under my touch

"yeah, Nick is one of my good friends" I say turning to face Luke in my seat

"I know... I just... I don't trust him" he frowns stepping back from me a little "he has a thing for you Jules"

"ok let's go talk about this shall we" I nod towards my room.

Luke and I slowly walk upstairs my dad yelling "Door open" after us.

"ok why are you worried about nick?" I ask sitting down on my bed

"Oh I don't know maybe because he is obsessed with you" Luke whisper shouts pacing in front of me.

"What! ... he is not obsessed with me"  I shout lounder then intended 

"just please don't go, you can come and hang with the guys and I if you want just please don't go"

"ok, if it worries you I won't go" I sigh looking into his eyes "I promise"

"I promise I'll make it up to you baby" he kisses my lips quickly "but now is not that time I have to go see the guys we will be gone most of the day so I will see you later."

"ok Love you"

"love you more"

a few hours later

"what do you mean your not coming" Flynn bursts through the door he parry outfit clutched in her hand

"Luke was uncomfortable with Nick being there because apparently he has a thing for me" I scoff at the words 

"well he's not wrong there, Nick Definity still has a thing for you but why does that matter you can still go"

"no I can't I told Luke I wasn't going" I raise my voice slightly 

"girl Luke is your boyfriend not your father come on time to get ready" 

Flynn opened my wardrobe and began looking for an outfit.

"you know what... your right Flynn lets go to the party Luke said he will be gone all day anyways"

"that's my girl now lets go we need to get there soon people have already arrived" 

"ok I already have an outfit" I smile ignoring the twinge of guilt in the pit of my stomach. 

(Julie's outfit)

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(Julie's outfit)

(Flynn's outfit)

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(Flynn's outfit)

"ok girl we gotta bounce" Flynn orders pointing to the front door.

"ok, ok, ok lets go"

we walk to Flynn's car and head round to the party but once we arrive all I can think about is how I'm lying to Luke, my boyfriend the one person I love most.

and deep down I already know something bad is going to happen.

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