The Runaways ; Thirteen

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"Okay, look, I just wanted to say that I am sorry for what I said the other night," Jack stated with a small sigh. "I did not intend for it to come off as rude, you just wanted the truth and it was nothing but the truth. It's not my fault that you can't handle it."

I laughed lightly while shaking my head. "You really need to work on how to apologize. 'It's not my fault you can't handle it' who even says that, like, what kind of shit is that? You're not making things any better, G."

"Why is this so important to you?" he let out a frustrated sigh as he put his head in his hands. "It's just an apology, it's not even that big of a deal. Can't you just forgive me already? This is killing me, Cher."

"Not with that attitude," I scoffed. "I am not going to give in so easily anymore. I am tired of everybody thinking that sorry fixes everything because it doesn't and you need to learn that! I am tired of everyone thinking that I'm this dumb naive little girl, I am done! If you want to be with me as badly as you claim you do, you're going to have to fight for me. I don't care."

Jack was about to speak but my phone rang, cutting him off. Thank you Samuel Howard Wilkinson for always having the perfect timing! I answered the phone. "Hey, what's up?"

I heard him let out a sigh. "I really need to talk to you, Cher. It's very very urgent, can you come by the house?"

He didn't give me a chance to speak before he hung up the phone. I put my phone back in my back pocket and looked up at Jack. "I would love to stay and chat but I have to go," I shot him a fake smile. "While I'm gone, you should Google how to apologize to girls. It'll come in handy, trust me."

I left Johnson's house and headed towards my car. Oh yeah, did I mention that Jack is staying with Johnson? Friendship goals. Too bad Jack is an asshole.

"What's up?" I asked as I walked into Sam and I's shared house. "What was so urgent that I had to leave a very important conversation? Well it honestly wasn't even that important and I could care less if we finished it or not, but what's up?"

Sam took a deep breath and looked up at me. "Okay, first of all, when I tell you this, don't get mad at me. Second of all, please don't kill me, alright? I would like to live until my eighties, okay? Anyways, I'm getting to the point now. So the bank called and they said that we might lose the house."

"What-" I started to speak but Sam cut me off. Rude.

"Let me finish!" he groaned. "They said that we were a little behind on our payments and that we need to pay them or we get the boot! By a little, I mean a lot. So I asked the guys if they could live with us and help us pay the bills and they all agreed. That means we have new room mates. Everybody has a room but one person, though."

I arched my eyebrow and stared at him. "Who would that be?"

"Jack," Sam stated as he flinched and grabbed the closest pillow to him.

I scoffed. "Hell nah! He can sleep on the couch because he is not sleeping in the same bed as me. Or even better, he can sleep in the dog house because that's what he is, a dog! I am not sharing a room with that fuckboy! Can't I share a room with Nate or Johnson? Or even you?"

"The guys already called their rooms," Sam shrugged. "Gilinsky was a little late and your room is the second biggest in the house."

I sighed. "What about you? Can't he share the master bedroom with you or can't he share with his childhood bestfriend, who I am positive have seen each other naked?"

"I'm not with that gay shit so he ain't sleeping in my room," he laughed lightly. "Bethany is staying in there with me anyways and I am pretty sure he wouldn't like to share a room with us. Lorraine is more than likely staying with Johnson and Selena is staying with Nate. Please do this, Cher, we really need all the help we can get."

I let out a sigh as I finally agreed. "Fine, but can I at least set some rules?"

"Of course you can!" Sam exclaimed with a laugh.

"Okay rule number one," I stated as I looked at the notebook in my hand, "if you come into my room, please do not touch my personal belongings without permission. Rule number two - this one is for Jack - if you decide that you want to have one of your little hookers over, please warn me. I don't want to walk in on that shit, ew. Rule number three, if I have a guy over, don't bother us. You got that Jack? I don't want to be interrupeted. The last and final rule - which is also for Jack - do not touch any of my things period. Even if you ask, I will say no. Don't get on my bed, stay on your side of the bedroom. Don't use my toothpaste or any of my stuff. Alright? Alright."

All the boys nodded as I closed my notebook and set it down on the coffee table. "Alright, that sounds good," they all agreed - minus Jack.

"What about you, Jack?" I asked looking over to the brown-eyed beauty who was looking down at the floor.

"It's whatever," he shrugged.

ღ Jack ღ

She sleeps with other guys? When she said 'when I have guys over...' it really got to me. I hate the fact that other guys would be touching on her, loving on her, and making her feel special. I hate it so much.

That helped me realize how much I love this girl, though. I have to get her back before anyone else beats me to it and I know exactly what to do.

The Runaways ☯ J.G [ completed ]Where stories live. Discover now