The Runaways ; Twenty-Seven

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"You've already forgiven him?" Dylan scoffed as we walked into Biology. "That's fucking crazy. Cher, he is no good for you! He's just going to break your heart again, why do you keep doing this to yourself?"

I rolled my eyes and took a seat at my desk. "Who are you to tell who I can and cannot date? I am in love with Jack and there's nothing you can do about it. I think that he's good for me and so what if he fucks up again? We all make mistakes, not every relationship if perfect."

"Ours would be," I heard him mumble under his breath as he took his seat behind me. "I'm just saying that you'll end up getting hurt in the end and I don't want that to happen to you because I really like you. I hate seeing you upset so I'm just trying to look out for you."

I let out a little sigh and opened my textbook. This kid just won't stop. Instead of responding, I began reading today's section.


"Look Cher, I'm sorry if I made things weird earlier," Dylan stated as he came up to me. What if I said was true, though? I like you, okay, I really like you. I think that you're beautiful, funny, and down to earth. You put on this mean mugging ass face on all of the time, why is that?"

I mentally groaned. He won't stop, will he? 

"Because I do," I shrugged. "I put it on to let people know that I am not the one to fuck with. I don't like people thinking that they can walk all over me so I give off the negative vibe to avoid making friends who treat me like shit. I also don't want to trust so easily so I mean mug so no one will want to talk to me."

He looked me in my eyes and shook his head. "Stop worrying about what everybody thinks! I think that you are amazing, who gives a fuck about what a jealous bitch has to say? You're better than them, they know it too that's why they do what they do. You just have to ignore it, though. In life, there will be people who don't like you and that is okay because not everyone is going to like you. Does their opinion matter, though? No. The only opinion that matters is yours. If they think you're ugly, fuck them! It's not about what they think about you, it's about what you think about you."

"Their opinion does not matter!" he exclaimed. "If you feel pretty, that's great. But if they say that you're ugly, don't let that ruin your self esteem because their opinion on you does not matter! You need to understand this, Cher."

In my eighteen years on this earth, nobody has ever told me anything along the lines of that. I know I have heard, "oh just ignore them, you're beautiful." I don't think that counts, though, since it was from my mom.

That was the deepest shit I've heard in a while.

Before I could even comprehend what was happening, I attached my lips to his. It felt so wrong but so right at the same time.

Just know, you're all amazing! Fuck what everyone says about you! No one's opinion on you matters but your own! 

The Runaways ☯ J.G [ completed ]Where stories live. Discover now