The Runaways ; Sixteen

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Song : Coloring by Kevin Garrett


I sniffled a little as I stared down at my black comforter. I heard the door open and I quickly wiped away my tears. "What's wrong?" Jack asked as he walked into our shared bedroom. He plopped down on his bed and looked over at me. "Is everything alright?"

"Why do you care?" my voice cracked as I wiped away some more tears that were freely falling from my eyes. "It's none of your business, Jack."

He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "Cher, I care because I love you. You might not think I do, but I do, I just have a funny way of showing it. I hate seeing you upset, though, so what's wrong? Who's ass do I have to beat?"

I chuckled lightly. "I don't think that you can hit a girl because it's abuse and you could go to jail for that."

"Well then, I won't be beating anybody's ass," he laughed. "Can I at least know who it is that is making you so upset? I might not be able to hit her but I can talk to her so who hurt you?"

I was deciding on whether or not I should tell Jack who was getting to me. Maybe I should, just to know that I can somewhat trust him again? "I'm only going to tell you this because I want to trust you," I sighed, "and I really believe that whatever I tell you, will not leave this room."

"Baby, I know that I lost your trust the second that you suspected something was up," he sighed and looked down at his hands. "I want you to know that if you give me your trust again, I will not break it and I promise that whatever you say will not leave this room."

This is his one chance to gain at least a little bit of my trust back so I might as well tell him because as much as I hate to admit it, I kind of want him back. Isn't it funny how we love the ones who hurt us the most but hurt the ones who love us? 

"Madison," I simply shrugged. "She didn't say anything to make me upset, nothing that bitch will ever say will make me upset. It was the fact that she thinks she can just walk all over me like I ain't shit. That got me thinking about how everyone walks all over me, it's always been that way. You walked all over me, my parents, just everybody. I hate being treated like I am nothing because I am not nothing, I am a human and I have feelings just like everybody else!"

Jack opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off.  

"I wasn't done. Anyways, I feel like a nobody. I feel like I'm nothing and that if I died today, nobody would give two fucks. Nobody would show up for my funeral, nothing, because I'm just a nobody. I am that girl that nobody noticed until she got hot and I don't want to be that girl. I want everyone to like me for me and not just because I'm hot or whatever. Everyone thinks I'm stupid and naive and I've had enough."

I looked over at Jack and I saw he was looking at me with tears forming in his eyes. "Don't even say that, Cher. If you died today, or any day for that matter, I would lose my fucking mind. I love you so damn much, okay? I love you so much that is hurts and just thinking about you not being here makes me upset because I can't live without you. I know, God I know, that I fucked you over so bad and I am so sorry for that. You don't deserve that."

"You were the first person that loved me, flaws and all, and I ruined it," he continued. "You are my everything, you've always been my everything. Without you, I would go insane. I can't live without you and those two months that you were here and I was in Texas, I wasn't sleeping around. I was trying to better myself so that if we ever got back together, I wouldn't mess it up."

I opened my mouth to say something but this time, Jack was the one to cut me off. "I know what you're going to say. I know that I have to work harder and blah, blah, blah. For now, though, I want you to know that I am so sorry."

I chuckled lightly. "I was going to say that I love you too and I never stopped. I forgive you, Jack. I see how much you have tried to improve and Sam told me the reason why you invited Madison over. I'm sorry for inviting that guy over, I didn't know how it made you feel but now I do and I'm so so sorry. I love you Jack. Wait, no, scratch that. I am in love with you, Jack."

I got up off my bed and walked over to Jack's. I sat down next to him and I kept telling him how sorry I was. "Stop apologizing, you did nothing wrong. We weren't together so it doesn't matter. I should be apologizing, I am sorry for doing you wrong like that. It was-"

I cut him off by attaching our lips together. "You talk so damn much, just shut up and relax for a while," I chuckled as I reattached my lips to his.

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