The Runaways ; Fifteen

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Song : Nikki by Logic - aka, my daddy.


I led her upstairs to mine and Cher's bedroom. "Don't mind the second bed," I stated as I locked the door behind me. "I have a roommate and she's not here right now."

"Oh, is she your girlfriend or something?"

I wish. "No, she's a friend," I stated as I started trailing kisses down her neck which caused her to whimper a little. I brought her to my bed and pushed her down carefully, making sure I don't hurt her or anything because that'd totally be a mood kill.

"Wow, I missed you," Madison stated as she attached our lips together. 

I pulled away and quickly pulled my shirt off my body, leaving me in just my shorts. "Damn, you're so beautiful," I stated as I reattached our lips together. Not nearly as beautiful as Cher but she cute or whatever.

She began to unbutton her plaid flannel as her breathing increased rapidly. Once she successfully unbuttoned all of the buttons, she took the shirt off and threw it on the floor next to the bed, which left her in just her bra and shorts.

I got ready to pull her shorts down her legs until I heard the doorknob jiggle. I let out a slight groan when someone began knocking on the door. "Jack, open the fucking door you dipshit!" I heard Cher yell from the other side.

"Fuck, I'm sorry," I mumbled to Madison as I got up off the bed and went to unlock the door. "What do you want? I'm kind of busy, if you couldn't tell."

She rolled her eyes slightly. "I need to get in the room to put all of my shit up," she states as she tries to walk in the room but I block her by standing in the way. "Jack get out of my way! What is your problem?"

"I have a visitor!" I exclaimed. "You can wait until later to put your stuff up, you always make me wait."

She successfully pushes past me and she completely ignores Madison laying on my bed in her bra and shorts as she puts all of her bags on her bed. Damn, she's so beautiful. She started to empty out her bags which caused Madison to scoff lightly.

"Um, we're busy here, can you do that later?" she asked with annoyance laced in her voice. "We were in the middle of something."

Cher looks back at Madison with her eyebrows furrowed together. "I'm sorry, what? Who do you think you're talking to like that? Watch your mouth little girl because I am not the one to fuck with."

"I'm obviously talking to you," Madison replies as she begins to rebutton her plaid shirt. Well, there goes my chances of getting laid. "It's not my fault that you're so old that you're going def, you might want to go get your ears checked."

Cher arched her eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest. "I am eighteen, that is not old. Maybe it is to you because you're like five. Not to mention, you're irrelevant as hell. Shouldn't you be learning your ABC's? Have you learned to write your name yet?"

"That's exactly why you looked like the girl version of Michael Jackson before your big surgery," Madison scoffed and shook her head. 

I'm just standing in the doorway, not saying anything because I don't want to get in between the two of them. I have a feeling that if I do step in, I'm going to get roasted too and let's be real, nobody wants to be flamed on by Cher.

Cher laughed and rolled her eyes. "Says the one who has fake boobs, contacts, fake hair, and pretty much fake everything? Before you looked like a goat. You're out there copying every damn celebrity, it must be hard to be that ugly."

Before Madison could reply, Cher began to speak again. "Ding! Ding! Ding! What was that? Oh yeah, it was the elevator because you're not on my level. I think we all know who won this fight, bye bitch!"

And with that, she walked out of the room with the biggest smirk plastered across her beautiful face.

"So, are we going to finish this or what?" I asked as I looked over at Madison who had her jaw clenched in anger.

"Are you fucking serious Jack?" she scoffed and slipped on her shoes. "No we're not finishing this! Especially not after that bitch just pissed me off. Hell no."

The Runaways ☯ J.G [ completed ]Where stories live. Discover now