The Runaways : Eleven

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Song : Other Side by August Alsina


"Come on!" I heard someone yell from downstairs which immediately caught my attention. "Just please let me see her, bro. I really have to talk to her, you don't understand, Sam."

The voice sounded so familiar but I don't know who it belonged to. I've heard that voice many many times before but I couldn't place who's voice it was.

"Nah!" I heard Sam exclaim. "There is no way in hell that I am going to let you see her, especially not after everything that you've put her through. Just go back to wherever you came from, bro. You're not wanted here, well at least not by me."

The other person scoffed. "Since when did you start to worry about Cher? You two weren't that close. You talked, like, a few times but you weren't even close. I think this is some bullshit, bro. Let me see her."

"We were close enough for her to come to me after you fucked it up," Sam stated. "Just get the hell out of my house, Jack. She doesn't want to see you."

Jack? Jack's here? 

I heard a loud bang come from downstairs and I quickly jumped off my bed and sprinted down the stairs. "What the hell is going on here?" I yelled in disbelief as I saw Jack pinning Sammy up against the wall. "What are you doing here Jack?"

He let go of Sam's shirt and started to back away to face me. "I wanted to talk you, Cher," he let out a little sigh. "I wanted to let you know that I am so sorry for everything that I did to you."

"It's been two months," I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "The fuck you mean you're 'sorry?' Where were you when I was heartbroken because you were a dick? You weren't here, Sammy was and while he was making me feel better and helping me get through the hell that you put me through, you were back in Texas doing God knows what with God knows who."

I shook my head and let out a frustated sigh. "Don't even come here saying that you're sorry," I continued. "Especially not after two months of you not doing anything about it. What made you decide to say something now, hmm? Did your little girlfriend break up with you? Did you two not work out? Is that why you're here? You think that just because you two didn't end up working out that you can come running back to me? Guess what honey, I was not born yesterday. I know exactly what you're doing, don't play games with me little boy."

"Let me explai-"

"I don't need a damn explanation and especially not from you!" I exclaimed as I cut him off. "You heard Sammy, get the hell out of his house!"

The Runaways ☯ J.G [ completed ]Where stories live. Discover now