❥ 𝓎ℴ𝓊 𝑔ℴℴ𝒹, 𝒯𝒶𝓎?

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Violet drops her bag on the floor and slumps down into her seat, trying to get comfortable.

Her foreign language teacher starts explaining a new subject as Violet zones out.

Memories from the past flash through her head as she bites her inner bottom lip a little.


Taylor walks into class - their eye falling on her for some reason - and takes their seat.

Taylor's teacher starts explaining something random as they zone out, thinking about the girl sitting behind them.

They look around subtly, and let their eyes fall on her. She was the first person that caught Taylor's attention.

Her brown hair fits her face so perfectly. Her beautiful green eyes shine brightly on the soft sun coming through the window. And her lips.

The lips Taylor wants to kiss. Forever.

Taylor gets caught out of their trance when they see her smiling at them.

"You good, Tay?" Alahna asks, making Taylor weak in the knees. "Yeah. Just zoned out." Taylor answers.

Alahna nods, smiling at Taylor one more time before they turn around. They squeeze their eyes shut, trying to get their mind off of Alahna.

But they can't.


Matt has been in class for 10 minutes before the bell rang. Makes him sound like he wants to be on time but he was actually just there to get away from everything.

Everyone's been so loud and touchy today, especially Rachel. He loves her, yeah, but it's like she never keeps an eye out with his anxiety.

The first day of school was always like hell for Matt, let alone now that he's popular and has a loud, touchy girlfriend.

He wipes the thoughts from Rachel away and replaces them with the girl that just walked in.

Violet. The new girl.

He's never seen her before. He doesn't know where she came from. He doesn't know anything about her except her first name.

And Matt kinda likes it. She's new, she's mysterious.

She takes her seat right in front of Matt as soon as the teacher walks I and starts explaining.


Alahna is always the first to get in class. The second the bell rings, she hurries to her classroom.

She only has one reason, tho. She likes watching students walk in and take their seats.

She always observed their every move. Before she knows it, her eye falls on them.

Not them as in students. Them as in Taylor.

Alahna's eye fell on them first, subconsciously. Something about them just attracts Alahna.

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