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TW: homophobe alert

Matt wakes up in his bed alone. He looks around confused before his eyes fall on a piece of paper on his door.

He looks at the time. 11:42. He's supposed to have been in school for a couple hours now.

He sighs, deciding he'll just skip school, before getting up and grabbing the paper.

good morning Matt :)
I hope you're doing better
Chris, Nick and I will be back home at 4
we've already fixed a ride so don't worry
please relax today
call me whenever you need anything
- viola

Matt's lips break out in a slight smile. He puts the note in his pocket before exiting his bedroom and heading downstairs.

The smell of French toast fills his nose.

He frowns a little. Who's home right now? He enters the kitchen to see his mom making French toast.

"Good morning, sweetie." Mary Lou smiles, feeling Matt's presence behind her.

"Hey, mom." His voice sounds hoarse and low from the amount of crying he's done yesterday.

"Violet told me. Don't get mad at her for telling me, tho. It was just a warning, she didn't tell me details." Mary Lou announces, sliding a plate with French toast under Matt's nose on the counter.

Matt just hums in response, eating the French toast.

"Violet's a good friend, right? I mean you know her good?" Mary Lou asks, turning off the stove and turning to face Matt.

Matt nods, sticking another piece of food on his mouth.

"We're basically the same person."

Mary Lou nods softly, "I can tell." Matt frowns at her a little.

"Apparently you can't. Matty, I've raised you, I can tell when you're not okay, which makes me being able to tell when someone else isn't okay. Since you're not okay, and you and Violet are basically the same person, I can tell she's not okay either."

"She's told me." Matt announces carefully, not to give away Violets whole private life.

"I've helped." Matt says. "We work like that. We help each other." He adds and Mary Lou nods.

"As long as you help each other, it's okay." She smiles. Matt opens his mouth to speaks but doesn't get the time since Matt Lou had already left the kitchen.


It's currently 12:05 and the bell just rang. Violet had left Matt alone this morning to go to school.

She had a whole ass plan planned out during lunch.

Which was now.

She was pissed. To say the fucking least. How dare Rachel do that. How fucking dare she.

She's gonna fucking regret it.

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