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Chester hated classes. At 8 am on a monday morning, nothing was memorable about a class. He'd wanted nothing more than to skip school altogether, but a certain person had stopped him. Every morning till the end of his class, he'd only go to school to see Mandy. They had been classmates for a while now, and well, it would've been nice to get some feedback from her. He will do anything for her attention, but she seems rather resilient on his attempts to make her notice him. At times, she rather harshly treats his jokes, sending him to the principal's office and always staying away from him. No matter what she did, he just didn't get the hint. Was he that ugly and annoying, or rather, was she just disinterested? As he was daydreaming and staring at the clouds, watching the wind sway the trees, he seemed rather troubled of what to make of the whole situation. Then he caught the voice of his teacher explaining whatever topic he was disinterested in. Speaking of topics. Chester thought about how to make money. He wasn't happy with his life. Maybe he should stop thinking for awhile, thoughts like this ate away at him at night. Well, enough of his day dreaming, he really should listen. This would be on his history test tomorrow.
Chester took some notes on the more important stuff and ignored the rest. He'd ask Mandy for her notes anyway. As the teacher continued speaking, Chester couldn't help but look at his classmate Mandy. She turned around and gave him a stern look. Chester supposed it meant to focus on the lesson. How he wanted to mess with her, to purposely take her things and hide them, to lightly push her and apologize as if he didn't do it on purpose. Little things like that, that made her notice him. As the lesson ended. He made his way to Mandy. Now that he was walking up to her, it kinda looked awkward. 'Hey, look at me, just some loser craving attention from the only person that seems to notice him.'. Chester made up his mind and walked out of the classroom as he walked towards the exit. He'll need some fresh air for another 50 minutes of continuous blabbering. Chester sat down on the bench. It had been lonely. In class, everyone knew him as the 'classclown' because he always did stupid things to make himself the center of attention. He hated the word 'classclown' it always sounded so overused. As always, his mind was clouded with so many useless stuff. As of late, he could barely focus on paying attention in class. It's all so tiresome. Just a few years later and he'd have to find a job, become a citizen, live a normal life, and move on from his stupid little crush. Oh, how he hated the thought of Mandy being away from him. It's bad enough that their goals in life weren't at all aligned, as funny as it sounds. Chester hadn't even thought of his career. Sure, he thought of making money, but a career? No.
Mandy, on the other hand, had thought everything through. Her goal in life is to become a nurse and help people. What had he thought? Well, he certainly thought of ways to make money that weren't very legal. First, he'd thought of cheating people of their money, a very selfish and vile thing to do to others. Then he'd thought of selling drugs. Sure, it was risky, but he could just imagine the amount of money. These weren't the only things he could do. He could steal, but it just felt wrong.

Chester chuckled.

Cheating people of their money is alright, but stealing isn't? What a joke he was, truly a joke. Maybe he could steal things that weren't of use, like wires and cables, and then he'd sell them for scrap.
He also could go garbage hunting near local stores. He had seen videos of people finding unused video game consoles and games.

'Or maybe you could find a job, you moron'

He snapped out of his thoughts and went inside the school, remembering to put on his facade of the classic clown.

- Excuse me, sir. What's the time?

Chester said with a smile.

- Oh, you're that clown guy.

The nerve. He was okay when his classmates said it, but even the teachers?

- Never mind then.

- You're not late kid, don't worry. You still have 5 min...

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