𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊

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Y/n's POV:

"What do you mean you and dad are going on a 4 month business trip?" I sit straight on the couch. "What trip lasts that long?" I say clearly knowing the actual intention. Mom closes the drawer in the kitchen and shoves a spoon into the cereal handing me it.

"Your dad has to visit all his business buildings around the world and we planned on exploring the countries together as well" mom winks at me walking back to the kitchen. My mouth agaped.

"Are you guys serious? You've planned such a luxury plan excluding me?" My disbelief reached its high. "That's disappointing I'm you guys's only daughter!" I put a spoonful of cereal into my mouth being angry.

Mom chuckles. "Honey since you're born we didn't enjoy ourselves and we deserve a good time together as a husband wife too right?" She smiles at me from afar. I roll my eyes. "We're humans too"

"I'll sleep in a different room I won't disturb you guy-" she throws the pillow from the other couch towards me.

"Shut up, I didn't meant it that way"

"Then what way?" I say frustrated.

"In a way that you need to leave us alone for sometime. Your studies are completed and you're going to wait for your result for 6 months then why not going back to Korea?"

"I don't want to go to Korea. I don't like that place" I take a long breath.

"You've stayed there for 10 years y/n! Stop the drama. We won't take you with us" I pout.

"But I can stay here at my own house" mom chuckles.

"Why are you avoiding Korea so much? Darling how are you going to live alone in this house for 4 months straight? What if something happens? You're going to be alone"
Dad enter in the lounge wearing his classy suit and sits on the table.

"What's going on ladies?" He spoke in his familiar deep voice.

"You guys are going to roam around the world without me!?" I pick up my bowl and walk to the table with anger.

I sat with force. "That can't be happening for god sake It'll break my heart" I give the most natural puppy eyes to him. He chuckles.

"You can't manipulate us. We're your parents" mom says from the kitchen.

I roll my eyes at her. "That is the problem"

"Ahannn" dad says showing me a glare. I get off the table with a pissed off face and again drop myself on the couch.

"When is the flight to Korea?" I ask mom.

"We're leaving the day after tomorrow honey. You can leave tomorrow" I look at her in shock.

"What? You mean the flight is tomorrow and you're telling me this now? Are you guys serious?"

"Yes so now that means that you have to stop talking so much and go and pack" mom says indicating me to go indirectly. I take a long breath.


✩  ✩  ✩  ✩  ✩

Continue with y/n's POV:

"No like they're not my parents" I say fake crying to Stella at the phone. "What parents leave their child to other country to visit the world themselves?"

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