𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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Author/ third person POV:

He stood on the terrace with a cigarette between his fingers. His gaze fixed somewhere far away while he leaned on the grill all silent. Putting the cigarette now between his lips he sucked in a long puff before he breath out the smoke. The smoke made blurry clouds Infront of his face before it vanished.

He stared somewhere all lost. The night fell dark and deep. The guards roamed around the jeon mansion as usual giving their duty and guarding the place giving the jeon's the protection they needed.

The only heir of jeon's stood on the terrace shirtless smoking. His well built body looked fine as hell with tattoos that printed his arms.

The stars shined bright on the dark sky like glitter sprinkled on a dark canvas. Some of them shined more brighter and people like jeon Jungkook thought it was his loved ones. His breath turned shallow as the cigarette finished and turned to ashes. He threw it right from the terrace down to the ground as he watched it fall.

"Ahh so-jung ahh" he says straightening. Keeping his hands on the grill he stares up at a particular star. "You see? How I'm again begging for love?" A slow smile spreads on his lips as his eyes look at it like a child looking at something he loves.

"I wasn't able to save you even when you were Infront of me. Maybe this is universe's way of making me suffer for the mistake but look at me...." His voice cracks a little. ".....I....I..." He looks down again. "I feel like crying for I don't know what reason"

"I know men don't cry but it hurts. I don't know why my feelings turned this way again. I tried to overcome them again but I couldn't. I never knew that I would again fall in love with her. I thought it was an attraction but staying up at nights for hours is insane, crying is insane and not being able to endure her with someone else is extreme. What is this happening to me?" He gulps. A tear escapes his eye before it rolls down his cheek and slides on his neck.

"They took you away from me now am I not going to have someone I want again?" His eyes filled once more as he looked up at the sky again. "Just one person, not like I asked for the whole world. I asked for one person before and even now too but God never listens to me" tears fall out from his eyes. He cleans them with the back of his hands.

"But I have decided one thing..." Jungkook gets quite for a moment before he continues. "I won't ask for
Y/n anymore. I won't try to remember you anymore because all it hurts. One is mortal the other is immortal. Just get out of my life you both" he says. His legs deprived of holding the weight of him causing him to hold the grill tightly.

His one hands goes towards his abdomen as he touches the left side of it. He senses the scar as he closes his eyes.

"How can I forget you when you're here, imprinted on my body?" Jungkook spoke his voice weak. "Why did you came here again when we sent you away? I almost forgot you. I was willingly living my life with my girlfriend and everyone I was happy like this why did you came back?" He asks to someone who couldn't even hear him.

"Wounds bleed again if exposed to the blade that made them, similarly love flows again if the lover if brought Infront" he wipes his tears again.
"It's your fault to come back. I kept you away, tried to be rude to you, show you I wasn't a good man so you would just stay away but I couldn't hold it anymore. I couldn't keep you away no matter how much I tried" he sniffs.
"But it's okay" he stopped for a moment before he uttered.

"Let it bleed until it can't bleed anymore"

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