𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖎𝖝

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Y/n's POV:

Sucks to know that instead of shopping you got drunk trying to forget about your bitchass ex and ended up in the embrace of your enemy.

My jaw hard as I glared at Jungkook who sat Infront of me slicing his meat with this knife and fork. Aunt and uncle chatted with love beside us. Jungkook smirked since I got here and sat on the table Infront of him.

I was curious to know what happened last night.

The smirk played on his lips like a song on hour loop. I wanted to punch his face and remove the shit off his face. "Oh my god y/n darling are you feeling well now?" Aunt finally turned to me after inquiring her husband who told about his workers since I sat on this table. I smile and look at my watch on my wrist.

Hmm, after 15 minutes.

I nod. "The hangover soup is delicious" I say even though I wanted to puke. Infront of me Jungkook scoffed silently. I glared at him giving him a 'just let them get out once' look. His eyes teased me already and I knew he was going to play hard telling me what happened last night but I was determined to take it out his mouth. On top of that the day after tomorrow I had to go on the party.

I had no preparation. I took a deep breath putting a spoonful of soup in my mouth again. I wanted to puke but I stopped. Uncle got after he finished his breakfast. He smiled at me. "Y/n dear there are somethings we've decided after what happened last night" my eyes slightly widen as I look up.

"What things?" He clears his throat. Restrictions? Ban on going out?

"Your aunt will tell you" he says and puts on his cufflinks which my aunt hands him over. I look at aunt.

"Meet me in my room after breakfast" she says. I nod quitely.

Shit. I was stuck.

Uncle walks out so does aunt. My eyes linger on them until they get out of sight. As soon as they disappear into the hallway I turn to Jungkook who quitely ate while smirking.

"I want to punch that smirk off your face" I say.

"It's my signature face" he looks up. More playfulness in his eyes as he continues "ah come on y/n, don't play smug when you're about to have restrictions" a small laugh slips out his throat. I scoff.

"I don't care about the restrictions, I care about what happened last night" I say. "Spit it out jeon, what did you do to me"

"How are you so sure of me doing something to you?" He cleans his mouth with a tissue paper. I smile sarcastically.

"You can't be trusted, you're a bastard as far as I have known you" I say. He pushes his seat back. His white open shirt with a white sleeveless shirt under and a sky blue baggy suited him more then anything. His tattoos visible as he scratches the tip of his nose.

"Then why trust on what I say?" Smirk again gets wider. I crunch my brows as I smack my hand on the table. The maid pouring juice in the jug jumps.

"Stop already Jungkook" I say frustrated. "It's annoying"

"Yeah, then disappear" he turn around lifting his hands in the air. I push my chair back as I get up and walk after him. He reached the dining room's door when I pushed him against the wall and stare into his eyes daringly.

"Don't play with me, just spit it. Did I say something I shouldn't have?" My voice dropped for an unknown reason. Jungkook looks into my eyes before holding my elbows and spinning me around.

This time me against the wall and his body covering me. I stare into his eyes wide eyed. His one hand above my head on the wall while his body so close to me that I could feel his body heat.

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