𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖎𝖝𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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Author/ third person POV:

The sun shined on the tall building of jeon company. It's mirror exterior reflected the light back with a big 'jeon companies Ltd' written on it.

The car stopped Infront of the building before the door opens. The girl inside walks out. Her heels kiss the floor before she steps out of the car and smiles at the guards. She looked stunning with her high ponytail and classy dressing.

Her heels make a steady 'tick tick' sound as she walks ahead surrounded with body guards. Her ponytail bounced with every step she took. Climbing the few stairs she enters the building welcomed by a lot of clients and workers. They all smiled bright at her while she did the same.

"Hello miss y/n" y/n bows at everyone making her way between the crowd. "Hello everyone" she says accompanying with a wide smile on her face. Entering the lift she stands as the guard presses the 14th floor. She stares at the door as it closes and the lift starts. Y/n holds the rod near her for support as the lift moves up to the 14th floor. The elevator makes a 'ting' sound before the door opens.

She let the guards move our first before she walked out in the hall expected alot of people again. But watching no one Infront got her a little surprised. As she walked forward with the body guards her heart jumped, with nervousness and confusion.

They stop Infront of a certain room. Y/n turns towards the room before her gaze brushed the name plate on the wall.

Lee y/n.

Her eyes narrowed for a minute looking at the name plate. Wasn't she here to just work for a day? She asks herself before she twists the door knob and enters inside. Her eyes scan the room with agape mouth and shallow breaths.

The room had a dark green chair and table made of velvet which stood Infront of the large ceiling to floor windows. The whole city could be seen from there. Her ears filled with soft voice of water dropping somewhere causing her to look around and as she does her eyes filled with nothing but just warmness.

A lake was made around the office walls with fishes inside. Lights danced and water dropped from the wall slowly and little. Her foots make their way towards the fishes as she stares at them. They swam in the lake looking so beautiful. Then she turns around and her eyes fall on the book shelf which stood against the wall a little away.

Rich black wood was moulded into a beautiful book shelf with a lot of books inside including novels, helping books and so many more. Her eyes then fall on the coffee table which was kept right next to the shelf with 2 chairs.

She was busy in admiring her office when a voice echoed "hello" she turned around. A girl stood there tall and smart. She looked beautiful in her black shirt and top. She smiled wide at y/n. Her body bows before she says

"I'm yoona, your Assistant" a smile spreads across y/n's face before she bows back. The assistant took a back by her action.

"No you don't have to bow" she says.

"Everyone deserves respect, don't mind it" y/n says before she walks towards the table. Grazing her hands on the furniture she slowly sits on the chair keeping her one leg on another she looks at her assistant.

"Guide me about the work so we can overcome the problems as soon as possible" the assistant smiles before she nods. Her high bun looked elegant on her and her heels make noise as she walks towards y/n's table.

✩  ✩  ✩  ✩  ✩

The air remained humid while the lights danced like crazy. Despite being 10 in the morning the club rocked. The girls enjoyed themselves and boys danced along. Couples, girlfriends, boyfriends everyone did their own thing making sure to make a memorable time.

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