𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞-𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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Jungkook chuckled on the other hand. "Take you where?" He asked as he sat on the chair scooting a little back.

"Where are you?" Y/n asks from the other side of the line. Jungkook looked around before his mouth got closer to the phone and he says "at Lucifer's house"

Y/n's eyes widened as she clutched the phone tighter in her hands. Silence covers the line as both of them sat in quietness. "You're at his house?" She asks out of disbelief. "What if he harmed you or something?"

"Nah, he can't. Bitch ran away instead out of fear" y/n's brow crunched.

"You shouldn't have gone there alone. Remember he's as much my enemy as much as he's yours"

"I thought you won't be able to walk" silenced filler the air as y/n stared Infront with wide eyes. Her cheeks immediately turned pink as she blinked. She didn't knew what to say next. Jungkook suppressed his smile knowing what would be happening on the other hand of the phone.

"It's okay. It happens to all the-"

"Shut up!" She shouts as she cuts the call. A laugh left Jungkook mouth as he covered his face with his mouth and laughed.

"Aish" he said closing his eyes while laughing.

A few seconds pass before his smile vanished. His face turned blank as he stared at the guards Infront who were tied to the floor with a rope. As soon as Jungkook's gaze fell on them, a full body shudder pass through their body.

"It's true that god would take care of every evil" he said as he got up and took slow steps towards the guards. "But it's also true that he uses one evil to punish another and that's were he writes the birth of people like me" the guards scooted closer to each other with fear as the jeon heir walked around them in circles slowly.

"Un diavolo scaccia L'atro" he says. "One devil fucking casts out another" his steps halt as he sits Infront of them on the floor. His eyes looked at each of them with daring eyes.

"So see the other devil God has brought Infront of you" he smiles. The guards shook their heads.

"Please let us go. We know nothing" Jungkook nodded.

"So much of a truth right?" He said before he held the guard's hair. He squealed in pain. Jungkook's lips turn into a bitter thin line as he pulled his hairs roughly. "I am allergic to lies and the allergy makes me kill people" his lips once again turned into a bitter, evil smirk. The guard squeals further.

"I thought on going easy on you guys, but since you're not thinking the same...." He left his hair and got up. "We don't click" he turned around before walking towards a corner of the room. There was a stand kept in the corner.

The stand had a huge pot on top of it made of steel. It was covered in golden and in it was hot coal. The pieces of coal were red and a long stick of iron was kept in between them to warm it up. Jungkook held the other end of the stick and pulled it out. Stick had it's other end all red because of the heat it got from the coal.

It was clear what Jungkook was about to do...

He was going to burn these people alive until they opened their mouths.

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