𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞-𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖊

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Jungkook's POV:

I pointed on a particular place with the stick in my hand. "This area...." I said. "This area seems to be a little insecure. It has a downward creek so put more guards here plus I want to find Lucifer at all costs" I look up at taehyung. "How are you going to find him?"

"I've had some special contacts, we're working on it. Hopefully we'll find him soon" I nodded. I trusting taehyung's stalking skills. If there was something he couldn't track, that was a rare case. Thus Lucifer was a rare case. That son of a potato was not appearing Infront. I hated to think how we lost him when we were so close to him.

A second later the door opened as a furious y/n came inside. Her eyes were angry and her chest rose and fell with raged breaths. Jimin and taehyung looked up me while I stared at her Infront and raised a brow.


"I want to talk to you" she said. "Right now" I exhaled a sharp breath out knowing the subject of the talk.

"I'm having an important conversation you-"

"I'm sure it's not more important then what I'm going to tell you" her voice was stern and loud. I've been watching changes in her since the particular night. Her fear for my death just grew everyday and I was amused and shocked to see how she reached to every single gunshot and every single visit to places.

"There are rules to everything" I said. "I know what you want to say. I don't need to hear it again and you don't have to say it again. I will be fine y/n"

She shook her head. "I had a dream" she said. Considering she just woke up from her sleep I knew it was truth. "You were dead and I was crying but the fun part...." Her voice broke as she looked away in confusion. Her forehead full of lines as she said "there was a baby between me and your dead body" my heart jumped in my chest but my ribcage prevented it from escaping.

Jimin and taehyung shot their heads at me. "You guys go out" I took a deep breath tying my hands at my back. "let me see" taehyung nodded and pushed his chair back. He walked out of the room and Jimin followed him. As soon as the soft click of the door closing echoed y/n looked back at me.

"Why don't you understand?"

"Why do you want me to understand?"

"Because I want to be with you" she said. I quietly looked at her. "I want to spend my life with you. Marry you, have children and make a family. We have companies to look over, so many deals to handle. Let's take our places and come back to our beautiful life Jungkook" her eyes started to tear up.

I suck in a breath not knowing what to do. "You know it's important" I said quietly. "It's very important, I promised my girlfriend to take her revenge and this has to be done" she stared at me quietly.

"So you don't want to throw your weapons?" She asked. Voice dominant yet weak. I slowly shook my head looking into her eyes.

"Even if I loose my life for all this I don't care. I have a revenge to take and I'm going to have it done at all costs" I see her fists getting clenched as she looked away and suck in a deep breath .

"So you don't care whether whatever happens to me? Whatever happens to the family? You have a freaking LIFE THREAT Jungkook a LIFE THREAT. It's not a joke and-"

"Y/n please " I interrupt. "I warned you" I say as I stepped closer to her so I stood right Infront of her. "I warned you about all this. I hurt you so much so you could stay away from me. This is the reason I did so. I knew this would be my end. I can't guarantee my life, I don't know if I would be alive by the end of this. I warned you so many times, not directly I accept. But indirectly I told you to stay away so many times. Yet here you are with your stubborn ass"

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