𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞-𝖙𝖜𝖔

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Jungkook's POV:

I leaned against the wall of the hospital. My arms rolled on my chest as I stared at the wall Infront. My hands covered in red liquid while my shirt stained from all the blood that I got while I carried y/n to the hospital.

She was shot fucking twice by some bitchass. One on the leg while the other at the back of abdomen. Doctor didn't told us anything yet and we stood outside the ICU while y/n had her surgery.

She was unconscious and numb while we carried her here. I didn't waste a second as soon as I saw she was shot, I just picked her up and ran to the hospital.

My mom cried sitting on the bench beside me while my dad rubbed her back comforting her when he himself cried.

"Oh Lord! My y/n what would happen now?" Her voice turned almost a whisper since she cried for a long time. I took a deep breath pushing myself off the wall and now walking back and forth in the corridor.

Aside from the aid y/n needed, I had to make sure the guests had safe exit from the party. I left taehyung and jimin responsible for the safety of each and every person. Betty and Dan tagged along. They stood at the other end of the hall waiting for us to give some news.

I rubbed a hand on my face. The frustration in me building up. How could someone just enter inside while I put on more then 100 people on guard? How the fuck could someone just enter and then target fucking y/n for the shot?

I knew who was behind all this.

I knew it very well. The only one person that stuck in my throat like a bitchy bone. I just wanted to spit it out but it was too stubborn to just get out.

All of it was so sudden that I didn't got the time to process anything. My mind went completely blank at the point and all I thought of was to take y/n to the hospital. The thought of catching the shooter didn't crossed my mind once. I closed my eyes inhaling another long breath to calm my nerves down.




I would kill that man. I swear to God once I tracked that bitch down, I would take his fucking home burning down into ashes. He would know what he got himself into.

I was trying my best to track him. Although we had best stalkers and hackers but he was too clever to get known. Seemed like the earth swallowed him or the sky took him to another universe.

He was nowhere to be found.

I thought maybe he travelled to another country. That was something giving me a little relaxation since he didn't play any move in the start. But today? Today I got to know that he did not leave. He just hid himself planning something big I wouldn't be able to overcome.

This time his target wasn't yoo-jung or my mom.

This time it was y/n.

And I would lie if I said I wasn't worried about that. If I started dating yoo-jung it was to keep y/n away and safe from me. Because every person close to me was the target of Lucifer. But I found out Lucifer had his eyes already on someone I wasn't able to endure a scratch on.

When Dan laid his hands on y/n my blood boiled, then that brat decided to lay his gun on her.

How pathetic of a shit.

I thought staying away from y/n would make her safe. I thought it would give her the protection she needed, but I forgot that the more she was away, the more I was unaware of her life and the more she was insecure.

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