𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖛𝖊

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Y/n's POV:

It's been a month since I'm in here in Korea. Just one month, and I experienced stuff I never knew I would. I got cheated, betrayed and even confessed to. Furthermore my best friend's brother confessed to me almost a week ago.

The encounter with Jungkook that night made me feel a little better. Although I was deprived from knowing the reason behind telling him those things, but the way he handled me gave me relief.

Life started to feel more full and beautiful since that night. More light weight and more tension free and honestly speaking it was a long while since I felt like this.

Right now we sat on the breakfast table as I ate. Jungkook as usual sat right Infront of me with aunt next to him and uncle on the host chair. Tension lined the table for an unknown reason.

"Jungkook" uncle encountered him who immediately left his food and gave attention to his dad. "We have a problem" my brows crunch at the sentence. Aunt left the food and sat straight.

"I am going to visit one of our branch in San Fransisco but there is something you need to take care of while I'm gone" I take a sip of juice focused on uncle.

"The plot that your grandpa gave to me is being illegally taken by a person. His name is park mingyu and I want you to take care of that" I glance at Jungkook.

"In what way?" He questions.

"You have to prepare a case for it. I'll give you the details, study it and also arrange a lawyer. Make sure that plot doesn't gets into wrong hands. Deadline is the day after tomorrow" I just see Jungkook nodding. "That won't be difficult for you, will it be?"

"Nothing is difficult for me" Jungkook says before he resumes eating. A smile spread across my face unknowingly. A second later I straightened up.

"Did you talked to your parents?" Aunt asked as I nodded at her.
"Yes I did, they're fine" I say. She nods.

The rest of the breakfast continued in silence. As we finished our breakfast and I was about to get up from the table Jungkook called me. "Y/n" he said. I hummed looking at him.


"What subject did you study?" He looked up at me.

"I studied law" I said. A few beats passed before Jungkook spoke.

"Mind helping me out in the case today?"

✩  ✩  ✩  ✩  ✩

Jungkook's POV:

Coming in a friendship with y/n was one of the most awkward things to experience. Like I don't know what to act at multiple times. It's been almost 10 days since we both didn't argued or fought. The other day I found myself comforting her and motivating her.

We joked and laughed, there was a visible change in her attitude and behavior since we sort out most of our differences. Although the little bicker continued, we still taunted and made fun of each other but I was pretty conscious not to go personal while making jokes.

The case dad handed me over was something I wasn't used to. Before I used to look for the company in Korea while dad went out to visit his companies but taking care of the company as well as of the case was something I needed to tackle cleverly.

I asked y/n for help since she studied law in Canada but she refused me because she had to go to her friends house. Betty was going to pick her up this evening while I had to make arrangements for the case.

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