𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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Jungkook's POV:

I came out of the court welcomed by a hundred cameras and thousands of reporters. The click of the cameras echoed with the impatient reporters asking millions of questions regarding one case.

The case went as expected and I was quite happy for that but all along my mind was busy worrying about a particular person. Wondering after every minute that why I was thinking so much about her I reached to a conclusion that it was because I didn't slept enough and my mind kept on lingering around something I didn't really wanted to think about.

But all I could think about was her.

The way my hand caressed her waist.

Her eyes looking at me with some fear.

The way her hand shook while tucking her hair behind her ear.

The way she grasped my collar and hid her neck into my neck.

Everything. Lingered. In. My. Shitty. Brain. Through. All. The. Case.

I sat in the car turning on the engine. After a long while it was just me alone in the car. I did went to clubs and places but that was with my friends in their car. I glanced at the passenger seat and drove ahead. My speed fast as usual.

I drove towards home while I dialed mom. "Hello" she said. Her voice impatient. "Hey momma" I said. "Congratulations"

That's all it took before I heard mom's scream of joy. She continued to speak in happiness "oh my god Jungkook. Oh my love. I love you so much my dear darling" she says. I smile. "Thank you my baby. You worked hard"

"Thank y/n" I say. "She worked harder" a smile ghosted my lips as her name slips through my mouth. I was almost home. So I cut the call after mom was finished.

Entering the mansion I park the car. Getting on I walk inside. My coat was with y/n and it almost 6:40 when I reached home. The house looked all silent and quite.

Mom came hugging me immediately. "Welcome! Oh god" she made me sit on the couch as I told her all the details about the case. How we won it and even gave the papers of plot to her. She cried thanking me but all I knew how much I tried and how much y/n did.

I walk up the stairs and enter my room resisting myself from entering y/n's room. I remove my shirt and pants before I jump into the shower. I let the cool water wash over me as I close my eyes releasing all the frustration.

I came out of the bathroom and looked around. The towel was wrapped around my waist as I walked towards the closet and chose a pair for myself. I chose to go with a grey hoodie and shorts for the night. Hoodies were okay even when it was hot. The air conditioner was on the whole time so it felt cold at night. That is why I choosed to have something cozy for the nights.

Air conditioners stayed on in the whole house. Specific rooms did not had the acs like the kitchen and the laundry area. Dad being a well known and rich business man could afford all of it well.

The business was not very tough. We had a lot of brands and branches all over the world. The whole business consisted of about two branches.

Jeon enterprises and jeon company LTD.

Enterprises were managed by my dad while the companies were managed by y/n's dad. My dad and y/n's dad were brothers with my dad being the elder and hers being the younger.

Y/n was about 3 years younger then me but watching how she behaves I feel like we are of same age.

As I wear my clothes I sit on my bed and open the laptop. Clicking onto the companies email account I log in and check out for emails and things I needed to look after. I opened several emails and responded to them. The company ran even if dad wasn't here and I had to look after all the affairs in his absence because the branch in Korea was the main branch.

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