𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞

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Y/n's POV:

I smiled at Dan who sat Infront of me staring continuously into my soul. A sweet smile spread on his face as he kept his hand under his face. His eyes looked at me.

We sat in a restaurant for a date. Dan took the day off from his business in order to get me to shopping and afterwards have something. We did shopping for the party and now we sat in the restaurant. The waiter passed a glance at his face who looked like a mannequin hired to stare at me.

"I can't believe you accepted my proposal"

"I can't either" I say before I widened my eyes. "Huh?" I smiled sheepishly.

"I mean, I can't believe someone like you is my boyfriend. So sweet and genuine" Dan smiled wider as he ran a hand in his silky hairs. I took a deep breath.

"Thank you" I give him a curt nod before I pick up the fork to eat my spaghetti kept Infront on the table. As I put the fork into the plate and twist it around to curl my spaghettis dam spoke

"By the way y/n?" I put the bite in my mouth and look up at him chewing. "Till when are you here in Korea?" He asks. I calculate the days in my brain as I continue to eat.

"I guess until my mom and dad visits Korea" I say. Mom and dad said once they're in Korea they'll take me along with them instead of separately flying me to Canada. They were expected to be here in a month and I was a little too impatient to go back. There was no fun here, just things that made me depressed and feel hurt.

"And when are they expected to visit?"

"Until a month" I nod. Putting another bite of spaghetti in my mouth I chew. It was tomorrow that the party was held. I spent whole of this week in spas and shopping little to keep me busy and to have lots of my work done. Jungkook still ran into me a couple of times but this time I didn't even looked at him.

The way he treated me earlier was enough to know what he felt about me. I was nothing but just someone who made his life more worse and that was something I would never want in a million years. He already went through so much and I didn't want to add more worse in it.

Even if it was me.

I continue to eat in silence thanking god that Dan was not talking much. He was also invited to the party tomorrow and I was genuinely happy for that. I wanted to introduce my boyfriend to aunt.

"Your birthday is near" Dan again spoke. I nodded humming as I drink a sip of cold drink.


"Any plans?" I shook my head.

"Not yet" I smile.

"Okay, fine. How about you spend the day with me? I've planned a few things" I look up at him before I give a slight smile and nod.

"I will try my best. If aunt lets me I'm in" Dan smiled and put food in his mouth. As we finish our food we walk back towards the car. Sitting inside I turn my phone on to see Betty's missed calls. Dan turned on the engine after sitting behind the wheel. I looked at him before I clicked at Betty's number and the ringing continues. She picks up at the second.

"Where are you?" She asks as soon as she picks up the phone.

"I....um..." I look over to dan who stared at me. "I am on a date with your brother" I say. The line gets silent before Betty speaks again "I don't know but it sounds so weird to hear that" she laughs at the end. "You being my brothers girlfriend. This is insane" a smile spread across my face.

"Stop with the drama and spill it, why did you called?" The line goes silent again before Betty sighs on the other side. Dan drives the car out while I waited for Betty to speak.

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