𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞-𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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Y/n's POV:

Things have been more messed up since I've been shot. My emotions are pouring out in a way I never thought they would. I blurt out on Jungkook saying things I probably only say to myself. What the duck-

I was traumatized for the next few hours until someone told me my parents are coming. For a minute I was thankful for the shot I've been got. If something has bas it has good as well.

The boy literally said the most dominant sentence I've heard in my whole life.

I swear to god if anything happened to you I would've set the world on fire.

Who says that? Like who actually does? I know how I stopped myself from fucking blushing even when I was crying. Like hell this man....

I made a weird face at Betty who extended the spoon towards me with the soup. "Come on, open your mouth" she says.

I've got shot twice by some Bitch. One on the leg while the other behind my abdomen on the back side. I had trouble sitting because the shot was on the lower side. My leg was threatened to be paralyzed or maybe completely lost but thank God nothing happened. The bullet did not touch my bone so I was fine at the moment.

Doctors told that I was brought to hospital at the right time. If there was a little late there could be a chance of loosing my life. I didn't need any bottles of blood because I didn't lost enough. Although the drips were continuously going on but I managed to endure the pain and frustration.

"Damn" I said opening my mouth and taking the soup. Uncle and aunt sat on the couch a little far from the bed while Betty sat on the stool feeding me the soup. Dan was probably at office while Jungkook went to take my mom and dad from the airport.

I looked at the clock. "Where has Jungkook gone? It's going to be 2 hours since he's gone to pick my parents up" I say frustrated. I missed my mom's lovely hugs and dads jokes. Communication between us has been limited since they've gone to visit the world.

Betty made a angry face. "Stop behaving like a child and eat this" she said when I resisted to have the soup. But I ate it anyway. "Is Dan at the office?" I asked. She nodded.

"He made this soup for you before he went. Asked me strictly to make you eat it since you're too stubborn" I rolled my eyes at the same time smiled. He made this for me? Woah he cooked for me.

"Hey are you blushing?" I shook my head. "Not at all"

"See you have that smile on your face. Liar" she hit my arm. I squealed. She tucked her tongue between her teeth.

"Sorry" I glared at her.

"Spare me while I'm on the hospital bed" she squeezed her nose. I breath out leaning my head on the cushion behind. She filled the spoon with more soup before shoving it into my mouth. I drink it. It felt more good now.

"Dan is such a gentleman" aunt complimented from the side. I tried to hide my smile. Why was I even blushing?

"Stop" Betty said looking at me. I straightened my face. "What?"

"Your face is red. My brother does this often. He cooks for me too"

"He's your brother and he's my boyfr-" the door of the room opened. My eyes immediately went towards the door while Betty's face turned back. I waited.....for two people to enter inside.

My heart suddenly had this restless feeling. The eagerness to have my parents in my room. It was more then 2 months since I met them or hugged them physically. Although mom sent me virtual hugs on messages but nothing compared to a hug with your mom physically.

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