𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞-𝖘𝖎𝖝

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"Where is he?" I twisted his arm further as he groaned. The three guards were tied to the chairs with a rope around their legs and hands. Tears dripped from the eyes of the one I laid my hands on.

"I don't know. I'm serious" I twisted his hand further. A crack echoed as he screamed in pain. I clicked my tongue bitterly as I glared at him. A second later I left his arm and walked towards the table kept near me. The guards were present in my basement for the investigation and punishment I had to give them and take from them.

I picked up the knife from the table as I walked back. The man first looked at the knife then at me. His eyes scared and eyelashes wet. I turned the knife back and forth with a smirk on my face. As I reach near him I keep my foot on his thigh and put pressure as I leaned in to him.

"You know what?" I say. "I know how to deal with stubborn people" I point the knife at him. "First, I'll remove all your nails. Then I would fucking stab you until you turn into mince. You would wish to die like you wish to live now but death won't come near you. It would linger around and dance Infront of you, it would tease you and you will beg it to come and engulf you but you won't get it's embrace" I said in a dark raspy tone.

His eyes shook looking at me as more tears came into his eyes. He cried harder as drool leaked from his mouth.

"Tell me" I say as I but the knife against the nail of his thumb. "Where is that bitch Lucifer?" I said.

The man was a real player. He hid so perfectly not even my people could find him. Even taehyung was not able to locate him. I doubted again and again that maybe he left the country or something, but my gut said he was still here, around us somewhere and we didn't knew.

He was my enemy, I knew he would do anything to get back the revenge of his brother and himself. He killed his own wife and married again. Then he killed my girlfriend so I killed his wife and child. We were equal, but he decided to drag it through. I totally forgot that y/n was his niece. The rivalry was so interconnected and confusing sometimes I wanted to hit my head in the wall.

"Believe me I don't know. We never saw him. He communicated to us through phone calls, with voice changer. I swear I don't know please let me go" I glared at him. He nodded.

"I'm serious if I knew a little bit I would've told you, but I don't know where he is. Let me go please. I beg you" I took in a breath as I removed the knife from his nail.

"How can I let you go?" I said. "You dared to attack y/n"

"It was boss's order" he said crying more harder. My eyes stared at him.
Taehyung came behind me.

"You don't plan on killing them. Do you?" He asked. I turned to him.

"I definitely do" I said as I looked back at them. "Fire them on the leg, then on the abdomen, then you may pass the bullet through their neck" I said to my guards which stood with the wall. The immediately came forward as the three of them started crying and shouting.

"Please let us go Master jeon!"

"We beg you!"

I ignored the cries and walked out of the basement with taehyung next to me. As the sun shined on our faces we narrowed our eyes. I faced him immediately.

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