𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖔

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Y/n's POV:

"Can I offer you a ramen?" He says. I release a sharp breath out looking at him with anger.

"You're probably Jungkook, am I right?" I ask. He smiles.

"Who else can be this hot" he points at himself with his finger. I look at him with cringed face. "You're probably my only cousin, y/n"

"Yeah" I say. I picked up my phone and put it on the table without looking at it. My hands shook for I don't know what reason. Jungkook stepped in the kitchen at the same time his dog walked in. "Keep that thing out!" I say taking a step back.

"You scared of dogs?" He asks. The smirk never leaving his lips. He opens the fridge and takes out a bottle of water then gulps it down.

I sigh. "Not really but he's scary" he chuckles.

"Bam looks she says you're scary, damn it!" I stare at Jungkook examining the visible changes. I know we met after years but something in me didn't expect the change he had.
Muscular body and broad shoulders, hairs fell on his forehead and he was drenched in sweat. There were tattoos on his arms.

"Stop staring at me" I look away.

"I wasn't staring at you, I was thinking something" I turn around to look for the ramen again. Just then someone pulls me from the back and makes me sit on the chair. I look up in shock.
Jungkook smiled on my face.

"Mom said you're a guest, you're not allowed to work. Let me do it for you" he keeps the bottle on the table in the kitchen. I watch as he walks to the other side of the kitchen and took out 2 packets of ramen. He glances at me who stared at him.

I didn't knew how to react or to behave with him. We met after years and I don't think being frank would be okay. Instead I keep silent. The shock from his pulling still in me.

"I'm offering you ramen" he says putting the pan on the stove and turning it on. He adds the water and puts in the ramen. I silently watch him as he proceeds.

Taking out the chicken from the fridge he cuts it into small cubes. Then puts another pan on the other stove and adds oil into it. Frying the chicken he proceeds with 2 eggs. Carefully transferring the stuff into the plate he looks at me.

"Memorize the recipe" I give a sarcastic smile.

"Oops, I know the recipe already"

"I thought you didn't. You look dumb not my fault" I roll my eyes.

"Well was I supposed to laugh?"

"No trust me I can make you cry better" I widen my eyes. He lifts the chopstick. "By poking you eye with this chopstick"

Oh god my brain.

I look away as he silently adds the seasoning into the noodles and let's it cook. Taking out 2 bowls he adds noodles into them, then adds one egg into each bowl along with some pieces of chicken.

He puts the bowl Infront of me. I cross my legs and pick up the chopstick.
"Thank you" I say before I taste it. A hum escapes my mouth as soon as the ramen leaves it's taste into my mouth. I open my eyes and look at his face. He ate his.

Should I compliment?

"Umm...it's delicious"

"First time seeing someone being hesitant complimenting" I take a long breath.

"Yeah, I'm not sure how to behave with you" he scoffs.

"What?" I look at him. "For god sake
y/n. We've played like hell when younger. Probably I'm the only male you know" some pride appears on his face.

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