𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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Y/n's POV:

I picked up the jug to pour myself some juice. The bite of rice still in my mouth while I chewed it. Finishing the food in my mouth I took a sip of the juice and kept it down. Infront of me Jungkook visibly stared as I threw fists on my thighs because of the bite getting stuck in my throat.

Breakfast table stayed quite as usual. Aunt and uncle busy in their own thing while me and Jungkook sat Infront of each other eating our food silently.

"Oh I remembered!" Aunt said turning to us. I was honestly used to her bomb exploding during the breakfast. It was almost a routine that we got to know about most of the things after we sit on the table with her. Maybe because that was the only time we got to meet her? However I looked up at aunt who had a big smile on her face.

Uncle was back. Yesterday night. Dad was expected to come back with him but for some reason he turned towards america to have some meetings which were going to last for some weeks. I talked to mother on phone complaining about the boredom and the distance they were giving me but she waved me off showering some loving statements.

"Do you know uncles birthday is coming?" Aunt asked. I nodded knowing the date while Jungkook stared blankly at her mom. Aunt stared back at him blinking while he did the same. A second later a smack landed on his back. He straightened hissing as I suppressed my laugh. Glaring at me he listened to aunt.

"Forgot your dad's birthday? How weird Jungkook!" She smacked him once again. I laughed as aunt continued.

"Basically your uncle is having his birthday..." Aunt turned to me. "So we have planned a grand party. It includes all the family members and some of the business mens" she says. I looked at jungkook's face before I turned my gaze back to aunt.

"And when is this planned?" I asked.

"A week from now on" in a second I estimated all the things I needed and made my schedule to shop. I'll call Betty just now to go shopping. I also had my Mani and pedicure in list before the party now. Taking a deep breath I say

"That's great! I'm excited" aunt smiles.

"Aw my honey, you'll slay" she winks at me. I chuckle before I take a sip of my juice again. "Thank you" I say.

As the breakfast ends we all go to our respective rooms. I immediately take my phone sitting on the bed as I dial Betty. She picks up on the third ring.

"Hey" she says.

"Oh hey" I say coldly. "How about you pick me up in a bit? I have somethings to tell and a task to be done" the line gets silent for sometime before Betty speaks..

"Alright, get ready I'm coming" I smile.

"Thank you" I say before I hung up. This was what I liked in Betty. She may fight, scold or even beat me but would always be there, just one call away. I breath out before I go towards the closet to choose a dress for myself. I had to just wind up with my dress and shoes in the next two days so I'll smoothly attend my spa sessions.

I wear a white skirt with a sky blue top as I proceed to wear my white Snickers. Leaving my hairs open I clip them from one side. Applying a little makeup I took my phone, bag, credit cards and essentials before I walk out of my room. I reach the kitchen finding aunt drinking her coffee.

"Aunt" I say as I approach her. "I'm heading to the shopping mall with Betty. It can be a little late" aunt has been a little loose with me since some days. She lets me stay a little late when I'm going out and I'm happy.

She smiles. "Shopping? Go ahead darling!" She shows her fist with excitement. I wave at her from the door before I walk out. Betty stood there Infront of her car. Her gaze stuck to a particular side as I approach her I smile wide.

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